Chapter Seven

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Multiple povs
Thursday September 26
Hope's pov
"Thank God you're with me, because I have no ideas where to go." I anxiously giggle as I finish putting my backpack on.
"Girl, I don't know where it is either. I was hoping you would." Okoye closes her locker and matches my pace as we leave the locker room.
"At least we'll be fools together." I laugh and she joins in. "Great work today ladies!" Coach Lee yells at us as we exit Martial Arts.

"Thank you coach!" I say for the both of us. "You could say thanks, you know." I hold the door open for her. "I smiled." She protested. Rhodey and Erik walk out still in their basketball uniforms. "Thanks, Hope." "You're welcome, boys." "Where's the homecoming meeting at?" Okoye asks. "Damn Okoye, no hello?" Erik teases. "Hey Rhodey." "Hey Koy." "Fine, be like that." Erik scowls and a giggle escapes my lips.

"Sorry." I cough. "It's next to the library in statistics." Rhodey answers, ignoring Erik as we all walk together. "Man I hate having to plan school events." Erik groans. "It's a big pain." I agree. "Why are we the organizers?" Rhodey asks. "Because we're heavily invested in the school with our clubs." Okoye does air quotes around heavily invested. "Why aren't the two of you in your spirit clothes?" She eyes the two boys.

"We're sweaty." Erik points out the obvious. "Shower then. That's what we did." I point out. "I came dressed as a teenager and I look like one." He argues. "Same here." Rhodey chimes in. "Are you matching with Nat, Hope?" "Yup, us and Gamora coordinated to come as toddlers." We finally reach statistics and Erik holds the door open for us. I nudge Okoye as we walk in and she rolls her eyes.

"Thank you, Erik." "No problem, grandma." He snickers and she whacks his arm. "I regret coming as a Senior Citizen." She groans as we join the rest of the group. "You came because I'm your best friend and you love me." T'challa smiles as we take a seat. "Hey Hope." Natasha smiles as I sit next to her. "Hey there, Romanoff." "I like your outfit, Hope." Scott speaks up. I briefly look at him. "Thanks."

"How's your boyfriend, hot shot?" Valkyrie inquires and we all focus in on Scott. He starts to answer as Ms. Hill and Mr. Coulson walk in. "Don't worry you guys, your sponsors are here." Mr. Coulson says as he joins us at the table. Ms. Hill shortly follows and sits down. "The meeting has begun, but first Mr. Lang, please answer the question." We all burst out laughing as Scott's cheeks turn red. "Sam is good. We're going to homecoming together tomorrow night."

"Aww." Mr. Coulson coos and tears of laughter start rolling down my cheeks. Scott's never been redder and I decide to cut him some slack. "So preparations are ready. We should start setting up today." I recommend. Scott sends a shy smile my way and I return a modest nod. Poor Scott , he's very popular but sometimes he needs some rescuing. "I like the sound of that. We can do it after the meeting." Ms. Hill says while typing on her computer.

"Who can stay and help me decorate?" Mr. Coulson asks. "Sir, is it in the gym or the event center?" Jarvis speaks up. "Event center." We all stare at each other. "Not it." We all unanimously yelp. "Come on guys, it's not that bad." Mr. Coulson encourages. Ms. Hill looks up from her lap top. "Half of you help or I'm making everyone help." T'challa raises her hand. "I can help." "So can I." Okoye says. "He's my ride home, so count me in." Erik groans. "I c-can stay too." Vision smiles. "Me too." Wong says. We all stay silent wondering who the last person is.

"Uhh fine. I don't have to be anywhere so I'll stay too." Valkyrie groans. "Thank you. Now on to the next business." "Wait, Ms. Hill, who's in charge of the results for king and queen and that stuff?" "Fury, Ms. Romanoff. Don't worry we have that and food and drinks under control." "Yes ma'am." "We cant have homecoming without music." Happy states. Rhodey fist bumps Happy. "Say it louder for the people in the back." "My band can play!',Valkyrie exclaims, 'We need more recognition."

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