Chapter Five

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Natasha's POV

I hop off my motorcycle and whip out my chains and padlock. I tie my bike to the light pole and put my padlock for security measures.
"Two years here Romanoff, and you still worry about your bike being stolen."
I turn around and smile, "Can it bird boy. It's my baby. Russian bikes are pretty expensive."

I finish up and give Clint a hug. "How was your summer?" His eyes light up. "It was great actually! I took a break from the farm and went to Bird Island with the family." "That sounds really nice." The bell rings. "We should get going." I say as I'm getting my bag. Clint swings his arm over my shoulders.

"What about you? Did you get to visit your family?" "No sadly, but Steve invited me to go to Brooklyn with him and Bucky."
"I told you you should've gone to Bird Island with us." He smirks. "No thanks, I much rather be with the boys in Brooklyn." I smirk as he pretends to frown as we enter S.H.I.E.L.D High.

"I can't believe we're seniors." I murmur.
"Me too. What class do you have first? I'll drop you off." We walk to the classroom and as soon as I step inside, Tony's already drooling over Ms. Cue.
"She's never going to date you Tony. Besides, don't you have a girlfriend?" I take a seat.
"You never know and I love Pepper, but I can still look at other girls." I look at him skeptically.

"Anyways, Brucie, that feisty girl is Natasha. Natasha, Bruce." I give the new kid a slight nod. "Don't stress it Bruce. I know what it's like to be new." "Really?" "Yeah, I came from Russia two years ago. That's when I met Tony and dated him for a week." I look over at Tony and he glares at me. "Hey, can it Romanoff. We're still friends tho." He assures Bruce. "Yeah, at least." I smile.

I stare out the window dozing off about Russia. I haven't been back and I'm pretty sure I'm not going back anytime soon. I snap myself out of it and overhear the two boys discussing Bruce's schedule. "Let me see." I snatch the paper out of Tony's hand. "Hey." He frowns. I clear my throat.

"And on Tuesday's and Thursday's you have B days. That means you take Gym, Economic and Government, Programming, Environmental Science AP." "Nerd." Whispers Tony. I shoot him a glare. "Shut up, Tony. You're a bigger nerd. As I was saying, and Robotics. Oh and of course, Oceanography."

"Oh I'm in Robotics too! We can go together!"exclaims Tony. "That'll be great!" Bruce smiles. "What about Fridays?" "Since we have a lot of AP and extracurriculars, we get the whole day to work on our stuff." I say as I hand the paper back to Bruce. A tall, slim Filipina woman walks in. "Good morning class, I'm Ms. Cue and we'll be learning English 4 together."

I sneak a peak at Tony and saliva is literally dripping out of his mouth. "Eww." I whisper.
I go upstairs and head to Pre-Cal. I join the rest of the class along the walls. I hate assigned seats but sometimes good can come out of it. I'll have to see. An average sized blonde lady walks out of her office space with a clipboard in her hands. "Alright, when I call your name, you'll sit at the table you're assigned to.Pretty self explanatory."

A few minutes passes by and there are 3 tables left at the back. "Okay at the middle table, Joana Richard, Brian Lee, Thanos Dione."
'Please don't let me be the next one. Please don't let it be me.' I chant in my head as little precipitation starts to form on my forehead. "And Natasha Romanoff."

Fuck. I grudgingly walk to the table and take a seat next to Brian. Ms. Danvers continues to get the class situated and it gets very awkward at the table. I take a look at Brian and Joana. They seem nice. I just hate that Thanos is in this class. Although I might get the chance to beat his ass, so that's a plus.

Thanos randomly starts to laugh. "I can hear the rats cry from your nest." He points at Brian's curly hair. He turns his head sideways and looks at Joana. "You never talk. Why? You sold your voice to Úrsula to fina a guy you'll never have." He starts to snicker as he's the worlds best comedian. I notice that Joana starts to get red as her bottom lip starts to quiver.
He looks at me now.

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