Chapter Ten

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~ Multiple POV
~ Friday October 11
Thanos's pov:
Everyday should be like this: no people, peaceful; perfect opportunity to steal. I press the buzzer on the librarian desk. A limo elderly woman greets me, "May I help you?" I whip out my charming smile, "Yes. Do you mind telling me where I can find the Book of Cagliostro?"

The librarian narrows her eyes, "That book hasn't been used for a long time."  "Well yes, I'm doing some research for the mythology elective." "Ms. Wilson approved that?" I tighten my hold on the desk. "Yes." She grabs a key from around her neck and walks to the back.

There's a lot of posters with cage symbols. I hate this school so much. I gag as the librarian returns with the book. "Is there a problem, sweetie?" I jerk up. "No ma'am. Thank you for the book."
Wednesday October 30
May's pov:
"Are you sure you can't come in?" I pout. "I literally almost live here. Besides Jarvis needs me." Happy holds my hand to his face. "Alright, but call me when you get home." "I promise." I quickly peck his cheek and walk into Stark Towers.

Perks of being a Stark, you get a sky scrapper all to yourself. I look down at my phone and realize I'm 30 minutes late. "Shit." I trip on my heels and yank them off and run into Mrs. Stark in the elevator. "Maria!" I perk up while slipping my heels into my purse.

Mrs. Stark pulls me into a warm embrace. "May, darling. It's been so long! How are you? The family okay?" "Yes ma'am." "Wonderful. And school? Do you study with Anthony?" "Just AP Spanish." "Oh how fun! And how are things with Happy? No trouble in Paradise?"

"How do you know about Happy?" I slip a strand of hair behind my ear. "Tony comments on things, but also every-time I see Happy he's bubbling with joy." She smiles. Ding. The door opens, "Tony is in the balcony along with the others." Maria smiles. I hug her once more. "Bye Maria!"

I walk out and wait until the doors shut once again and run down the hall. I can hear some grumbling from the balcony, but I quickly stop to catch a vase I almost broke. "I'm here! I'm here!" I screech and put the vase back. I waddle to the balcony and yeet my purse to God knows where. I jump over the couch and sit with my legs crossed next to Tony.

"Hi guys." I widely smile while fixing my hair. "Traffic?" Jean asks, handing me a bottle of water. "Or maybe just having a happy meal in Happy land." Tony snarks. I pinch him and he moves his arm. "Actually... I got nothing. Happy and I went to get milkshakes and I lost track of time and well. I did see  Maria, though." "Shes so nice." Jean whispers. "I love her so much.", Tony gazes off into the city of New York, "She actually wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go get manicures done with her?"

I spit out my water. "Duh! Why didn't she ask me?" "She can get shy." Charles clears his throat. "Hate to rain on your parade, but we should perhaps begin to plan the party?" Halloween is tomorrow and we have nothing." "No yeah, go ahead." I get comfy on the couch. "Jean, do you mind writing ok the board our ideas?" "Yeah sure." Jean gets up and gets her markers out of her Phoenix pencil pouch.

I feel Tony get back on the couch and he hands me frog slippers. "You can catch a cold." He whispers. I rub his arm as Charles suggests the first idea. "No offense, Tony, but since this is a big tower, what if we program the elevator to just open up to the meeting room?" "Yeah, I can do that. Mom and Dad have will be out.", he begins to type things into his watch, "What time will people be getting here?"

"We can start at 6." Jean comments. "That's good, what about decorations? What vibe are we going for?" I take out my wrapped cookie I got with Happy. "Traditional family friendly spooky is nice." Charles reaches for a sushi roll Tony set out. "We aren't children.", Tony laughs, "Let's do scary." "I hate scary." I cover my mouth while speaking. "Besides, if anything goes haywire, it won't be on us if we do a calm Halloween." Jean writes.

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