Chapter Eleven

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~ Multiple Pov
~ Thursday (November 28) THANKSGIVING SPECIAL!
Tony's pov:
Maybe nobody will notice? Trees fall all the time... right? I lock my silver Tesla and screech to a halt. "Fuck, there's a scratch on my car." I rub my thumb over the scratch, nothing. I polish up my polo shirt and jeans when I remember the most crucial thing. "Oh my god, the drinks."

I open the trunk and take down the cooler. I run down the farm, "Ooh cows! Focus Tony." I reach the door and knock. Chairs cry from the inside and the door fumbles. Nat and Clint are wrestling on the floor as Thor extends his hands, "Stark! We've been waiting for you! Come in."

I bring the cooler inside and take out my drinks and place them on the table. Thing one and thing two join us. "You're late." "A tree attacked me outside, sugar cakes." A faint smirk paints Romanoff's face. "I though you would've been a no show." Clint calls for Bruce and Steve who appear shortly. "Oh yeah? And abandon my dear friends? I don't think so."

Barton returns with paper plates, "My parents forgot to stock up here. Well... they don't know all of us are at the farm house." "Wait, what?" Banner stutters. "So we're trespassing?" Steve inquires. "Relax Steve, don't get your panties in a bunch.", I blow a kiss to him when he glares at me. "They just think it's me and Nat." Clint readjusts his hearing aid. "Actually I left a note. Can we eat now?" Nat clutches her plate. "Finally! I'm starving." Thor bellows.

As I head down the line, I grab a bit of everything: shawarma, pumpkin pie, vetebröd, green beans, zefir, sweet potato skins, and a glass of my ginger-cranberry sparkler. God's righteous man says a prayer over our food and we dig in. I put my hand over the scientists and ask him to pass me some salt. Our gracious host clears his throat, "So... Fury reveal his plans for you yet?"

Rogers takes a bite of the green beans, "I got injected with serum and been undergoing combat training." "No wonder you got so buff. I thought milk was taking a secondary effect on you." I giggle. Thor laughs along with me, "As for I, I get to use my powers without concealment." "God of Thunder." Clint sighs as if he were saying the word 'Hollywood'.

"My archery is being of use." "Finally.', Nat teases, 'My assassin skills and combat are being enforced." I kick Banner's foot under the table and offer him to go first. "I-Uh, Uh, well... green guy... rage." He doesn't a fake roar and I swear I could see Thor getting a bit flushed. "I've been doing combat on the side, but I've been tinkling with suits." "Suits?" Rogers asks. "Yeah suits." "What for?" Banner asks. "Ah, ah, ah. A magician never reveals his secrets."

We continue eating when Clint bursts, "I'm dating Laura." We all stare at him in shock. "You were dying to say that weren't you?" I ask amused. "She is a beautiful maiden". Thor congratulates. "Do we get to meet her?" Bruce asks with a slight amused grin. "I can have her come up tomorrow?" He chirps. The beauty of love... Clint's puppy eyes are adorable if only he weren't so annoying.

Nat swallows the last bit of her Russian dessert, "You haven't spent every waking moment gushing over Pepper, shellhead. Everything alright?" Clint punches her, "You can't just ask that." "He's my friend; I'm just checking up on him." I fidget with my collar, "We broke up." Steve begins to choke and Thor punches his back.

A slop of pie hits Bruce right in the face and Nat songs to soothe the green beast. The archer sits back in his seat, "Now this is what I call a family thanksgiving." Steve's face is red like a tomato, "When did that happen?" "Well after we kissed-". Steve's eyes go bug wide and chokes again this time with Clint along with him. Thor has a shiteating grin and Bruce just sips his drink.

"I'm sorry when did this happen?" Natasha questions. Fuck. "Shit, I forgot none of y'all were there. Well we kissed and then Pepper and I broke up. We're still friends though." The rooms stays stunned until Thor speaks up, "I didn't even have to mention Loki's arrest."
Clint's pov:
"Please Steve, sit down." "No Clint, please let me help." "No sir. You are my guest. I'll wash my cups. Luckily we got paper plates, am I right?" "Steve get your butt in here! We're about to start the movie!" Nat yells from the living room. "What are you watching?" I put one cup in the cupboard.

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