Chapter Two

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-Tony's pov

I get out of my red convertible and take a look around. Damn, not only am I looking hot, but it's senior year. Ugh, I feel so old. I spot Pepper and walk up to her. All the girls stare at me as I walk past them, especially freshmen. I give a few winks here and there.

"Hey babe." I kiss Pepper for a long time.
"Hey, I've missed you." She caresses my face and I press her hand against my cheek.
"Do you have it?" I ask her.
She takes out a small file out of her backpack and hands it to me.
"You're the best babe!"
"I know. Ooh there goes Vision! I'll see you at lunch?"
"You know it."

She gives me a quick goodbye kiss and walks off with Vision to her first class. I open the file and I see a picture of the famous Bruce Banner. Thank God Pepper took that hacking class. I head inside SHIELD looking for Bruce. Boom, he's there in front of me.

"Bruce Banner."
He turns around and I notice his yearbook picture from last year didn't do him justice.
"Y-yes? How do you know me?"
"I have my ways.', I stick my hand out, 'Tony Stark."
"Yeah I just called you that." I laugh. I like this guy already. "Anyways, Brucie, I'm gonna call you that, just a heads up, what's your first class?"

He opens his schedule and his features scrunch up.
"I don't know."
"Let me see."
He hands me his paper and I look at it. "Follow me."
I walk north and feel him walking behind me. In a few minutes we arrive at English 4. We walk in and I go sit at a table for three near the window and motion for him to sit next to me.

"Welcome to English 4. The teacher is pretty hot. Don't let her distract you." I grin.
"She's never going to date you Tony. Besides, don't you have a girlfriend?" The annoyingly sassy, but cute red head sits in the remaining seat.
"You never know and I love Pepper, but I can't still look at other girls." She looks at me skeptically.

"Anyways Brucie, that feisty girl is Natasha. Natasha, Bruce." She gives him a slight nod. "Don't stress it Bruce, I know what it's like to be new."
I lose track of the conversation until I hear my name mentioned. "Hey can it Romanoff. We're still friends though."
"Yeah at least."
I look at Bruce. "Have you ever had an A/B schedule?"

"That's why. So look here,' I show him his schedule, 'On Monday's and Wednesday's, you have an A Day. You take English 4, Statistics, Study Hall, Computer Science Principles, Pre-Cal, and Red Cross. You take Oceanography everyday. For clubs, you alternate."

"Let me see." Natasha snatched the paper from me.
"And on Tuesdays and Thursdays you have B days. That means you take Gym, Economic and gov, programming, environmental science AP."
"Nerd." I interrupt.
"Shut up Tony, you're a bigger nerd. As I was saying and robotics. Oh and of course Oceanography."

"Oh I'm in robotics too! We can go together." I exclaim. It'll be nice to have a friend in that club.
"That'll be great." He smiles. "What about Friday's?"
"Since we have a lot of AP and extra curriculars, we get the whole day to work on our stuff."
Natasha hands the paper back to Bruce.

I perk up as I notice the hot Filipina teacher I've had a crush on since freshmen year walk in.
"Good morning class, I'm Ms.Cue and we'll be learning English 4 together."
"Tony stop drooling." Natasha whispers.
I just give her a sly smile and stare at her boobs.
And send text. Rhodey should be meeting up with Bruce real soon. I'm pretty sure Bruce will love him. I walk into the locker room and go to my locker. Coach Lee lets us decorate our lockers. He says it's a way to express ourselves. Mine is the best as usual.

There's AC/DC stickers and little guitar stickers. I even have stickers of people I've dated. There's a Russian flag and a pepper. I get my gym uniform and change into it. Thank God, Coach Lee was able to get colorful uniforms because the regular gray uniform is so depressing. I walk out and join the line.

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