Chapter Four

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~Thor's pov

"Thank you for driving us, Sister." I say giving her a hug. I feel her stiffing under my touch.
"Yeah sure, just don't be late after school." She walks away and leaves me with Loki.
"We really are some family, huh brother?" I ask clucking my tongue.

"Indeed we are." Loki's says while awkwardly patting my back. I walk with Loki to the library to drop him off for Study Hall. "You know Thor, my magic abilities are getting better." A sly look grows on Loki's face.

"Loki, please don't get into trouble yet again. Odin won't prove. Besides, I don't want you getting hurt."
"Nothing will happen to me. Also I don't care what Odin says. See ya."
Loki enters the library and I walk to Pre-Cal.

Hela and Loki might seem all that but they do care deep down. Especially when it comes down to one another and Frigga. I walk in the class and find everyone standing against the wall. Clueless, I raise my hands above my head.
"None of you are arrested. It's just assigned seats." An average size lady says with a clipboard in hand.
We already have a test on Friday, what a drag. I walk to Economic and Government and see there's a line at the door. I realize Sam is in front of me. "Sam." I whisper. He turns around and grins, "Thor, how've you been, big guy?"

"Shh keep it down." I whisper.
"Why are we whispering?"
"What's the line for?"
"Summer homework."
"Shit, I forgot."
Sam walks up to Mr. Coulson and gives him the assignment. It's finally my turn.

"Your homework, young man?"
"Did you not complete the assignment?" He gives me a cold look.
"He accidentally put it in my folder. We have the same one."

Loki walks up to me and hands me the homework. I turn in the paper and he lets me walk in. I sit with Sam and shortly Loki and Bucky joins us. This class is gonna suck.
As soon as class finished, Loki drags me to an empty room. "You're welcome." He harshly whispers.
"Did you do it for me?"
"I told you my abilities are getting better."
I give him a hug and for the first time in months, he doesn't flinch or push me off.

"You owe me."
"Double date this Friday? Usual spot?"
"Of course."
He gives me a hug and I contently hug him.
"What class do you have next?" Loki asks as we go back in the hallway.

"Study Hall."
"Lucky, I have English AP."
"But you love English."
"Yeah, but Hela's in my class."
"Good luck." I laugh and enter the library.
"Sorry I'm late, Loki kept me up."

I take my usual seat next to Steve and I notice there's a new guy. I must admit he looks pretty... good.
"I've never been surrounded by so many people in a good way."
"Don't worry, Bruce. We won't hurt you." Nat smiles.
"I'm Bruce."
"Hey Bruce." I smile along with Steve and Clint. What a charming name for a charming man.
I cover her eyes and give her a quick kiss on the top of her head. "Hey babe."
Her hands cover mine and she giggles.
"Thor, you scared me."
I remove my hands and sit next to her.
"What's for lunch?"
"Chicken tenders and fries." She says chewing on her apple.

"I'll pass today."
She digs into her backpack and pulls out a plastic container. "I figured so I brought you your favorite dish."
I grab it and open it. "La Banda?!"
"Mhmm." She smiles.
"You didn't have to do this, Gamora."
I pick up my form and start digging in.

La Banda is the traditional food of the Dominican Republic which my beautiful girlfriend is from. It consists of stewed meat over white rice with red beans, fried green plantains, and salad.
"I know but I wasn't going to let you starve. I love you too much to do so."
"I should skip lunch more often then."

"No. You know how tiring it is to make it?"
"I'm joking. I'll bring you something tomorrow."
"Grilled kangaroo?" A skeptical look grows on her face.
"You know it."
"I can't believe I let you convince me to try it."
"Hey don't knock it till you try it."

"You're a dork." She laughs and leans her head on my shoulder.
"A lovable dork. Also before I forget-"
"We have a double date on Friday with Loki and Hope."
I look at her in shock.
"I know, Loki told me in case you forgot."
I walk in at the same time as the teacher. Tony's right, she is hot. I look around to see if there's somebody I know and find one person. He's the only one but I don't really mind. We getting along pretty well because of Loki.

"Hey Stephen, how've you been mate?"
His face lights up. "Thor! I've been alright. How about you?"
"Same here. Loki's going home with you after school right?"
"Yeah, we're going to practice our sorcery. Do you want to come along?"

"Nah, it's fine. Just means I have to deal with Hela alone."
"Oh, ouch."
"Yeah, but she's not that bad."
"Yeah, she's a big softie deep down. Deep, deep, deep, deep down."

I look at Stephen and he has a weird look on his face. "You-"
"Good afternoon class! I'm Miss Cue and we'll be learning English 4 together."
I decide to keep my question and focus on Ms. Cue.
I go across the hall and walk into my last class of the day, French AP. The teachers name is on the board, Ms. Mallek.
"Alright class, take out your notebooks."
I reach into my bag and take out a lightning covered notebook. What can I say? I am the God of Thunder after-all.
It's finally elective and I walk into a tiny chapel looking classroom. I decided to do Mythology. I walk in and reluctantly take my seat.
"You too?" Loki asks.
"I can't believe I'm stuck with both of you at school." Hela groans.

"Nice to see you too, Hela." I sneer.
A tall slim black woman walks in the room. "Greetings my fellow mythologists! I'm Ms. Wilson and I'm very excited to be here with all of you today! Let me set up the presentation and we'll get started."

Hela looks at us and sticks her tongue out and points at it. Both of us start giggling and soon she joins in. It might look like we hate each other, but in reality we're pretty inseparable at times.
I jog to the dance studio next to the gym. I rush to the locker room to change and bump into Bucky.
"Woah Thor, slow down."
"Sorry I just thought I was late."

I start changing into my dancing clothes.
"What did she do this time?" He leans against the locker with an amused look on his face.
"She just dissed the teacher on something she said."
"Something on Norse mythology. Specially about her wolf."

"Wow poor lady. She doesn't know what she got herself into."
"Well now she does."
I finish dressing and walk out with Bucky.
"What's our first dance?"
"I think hip-hop."
I get inside Hela's Audi.
"Where's the drama queen?" She asks.
"He went with Stephen."
She pulls out of the school and goes north.
"Uh, where are we going? Home's back that way." I say pointing behind me.

"I work, remember?"
"Please tell me not for long!" I groan.
"Calm your pants, no. It's what, three in the afternoon and my shift is from three thirty to five thirty. While you wait, why don't you buy something nice for Greenie?"

"It's Gamora and isn't that impossible to have a two hour shift?"
"Not if you're Hela Odinson.', she smirks, 'I talked to them."
"Just like with Ms. Wilson?" I laugh.
"Hey, she mispronounced Fenris's name."

"You didn't have to threaten her with one of your weapons."
"I'm the Goddess of Death. I do what I want when I feel like it." She parks her car at the mall and puts on her Hot Topic name tag.
"Here.', she hands me twenty dollars, 'Buy something nice for her."

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