Chapter Nine

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~ Multiple povs
~ Friday October 11
Wong's pov:
"This is the last piece of gum I'm ever giving you." I grown while I hand trident over to Stephan. "I'll actually charge you 25 cents next time." "No you won't. You love me." Stephen smiles as he pops gum into his mouth. I roll my eyes and try to walk away from Stephen, but I guess I came dressed as a magnet today.

"Where do you thing you're going buddy? We're bus mates, remember." He smacks on his gum trying to annoy me. I tightly smile, "Of course I do. Also, it's my turn to pick what we watch on the bus." The S.H.I.E.L.D. busses are possibly one of the best things at school. It has three floors and it's two to a seat obviously. The seats are like sitting up beds, so it's ultra comfy and there's a big tv per space. On the third floor, there's like a mini food court. And since S.H.I.E.L.D is a small school, there's space.

"Please tell me it's good." Stephen stares at me warily. "It's a surprise." I grin. A loud echoing sound hurts our ears. "Quiet place much?" Tony yells. Natasha elbows him. "Ow." Stephen groans. "Can't he just not be annoying for once?" "Can't you stop paying attention to his every move for once?" I glare at him. "I don't pay attention to his every move. He just happens to be standing by." He stutters.

"Hill, how do you turn this on?" Oh it's on. Ahem. Good morning seniors." Fury booms into the megaphone. "Morning Fury." We boom back. "I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves because today is going to be a long day. Everyone shut the fuck up because Ms. Hill will call attendance." Next to me a boy laughs. "I sure will miss Nick once we graduate."

Being honest I've never seen that boy in my life and it's a small school. "Wong Dharma." Ms. Hill calls. "Here." Strange leaves to throw his gum away and when he comes back, his name gets called. He pops his own new gum in his mouth while winking at me. "Here." "You-" "Alright everyone, let's get on the bus. Hill announced and Fury takes back his megaphone.

"Let's go. Move it like you mean it. First field trip of the year, show some enthusiasm." We enter the bus and Stephen chooses to sit in the second floor towards the middle. "Christ, Strange, why here? We literally have so much space." I take shot gun by the window. "It's safe. If we were to crash we'd be less affected." He keeps looking around tense.

"Um, first of all, that's a lie. We'd literally get crushed. We'd be a sorcerer sandwich." I start surfing through Netflix. "I'll be cheese and you be ham then?" "You're not funny." He's still standing up tense. "What are you staring at?" I stand up and realize he's staring at Tony going upstairs with the Russian chick. I lean into his ear, "You like Tony, don't you?"

Red splotches paint Strange's face as he abruptly yanks me down with him. "No that's crazy. He's with Pepper." "And?" "And no. Besides, I was looking at Hela. She's sitting up front." "Hela? Loki's sister?" "Yeah." "I think you might've had too much gum. The toxins rot your brain." The bus begins to take off. Stephen spits out the gum and evaporates it. "Ahem. What are we watching today?" I smile at him devilishly, "Beyoncé's Homecoming."
Natasha's pov:
"You do not know Latin." Tony scoffs. "Do too." I stick my tongue at him. He laughs, "Prove it. Say something in Latin right now." "What do you want me to say?" "Anything." His eyes sparkle with amusement. "Piper est bellus." "What does that mean?"

"Pepper is cute." "She is isn't she?" "She is. I love her." "She's still mine, Romanoff." "Relax shell head, I won't take your girl. Or will I?" I wiggle my eyebrows mischievously. "Are you having cramps?" "What, no. Why would you ask that?" "Your face looked like it was in pain." I laugh. "I was moving my eyebrows you idiot."

Out of nowhere, we burst into random laughter. "Oh I love you shell head." I lean my head against his shoulder. "And I love you, my little ballerina." "Look at y'all getting so comfortable. Hate to ruin the moment, but we're here." We look up and we're the only ones, plus Rhodey, that's on the bus. "Thanks sugar bear. Let's get off this damn bus." Tony takes both of our hands and walk us inside Clue Chase.

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