Chapter Three

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- Steve's pov

I get off the bus with Bucky.
"One more year." Bucky sighs.
"The year just started, Buck. Besides, it's our last year." I say as we walk inside the building to our lockers.
"Yeah finally. You got your schedule in the mail?"
"Yeah. Environmental science first period. What about you?"

He looks down at his schedule again. "Uh, study hall." The first bell rings.
"Don't get into trouble, Buck."
"I won't." He smirks.
We go our separate ways. I turn the corner and walk into the classroom.
"Hey Steve!"

I look around to spot the person who just yelled my name. "Sam!" I shout back. I run to the back of the room and give him our signature handshake.
"I've missed you, man." Sam smiles.
"Same here, bud."
We sit in our desks and talk about everything and anything until Mr. Parker walks in.

"Good morning period one, I'm Mr. Parker. Before we get started with serious stuff, why don't we pick a class mascot hmm?"
Sam gives me a smug look. I groan as Sam raises his hand. "What about Falcons?"
So Mr. Parker chose to call first period Falcons. I laugh to myself on the way to the locker room. Sam and his falcons. I walk to my locker and get my gym uniform. Coach Lee lets us decorate our lockers as a way to express ourselves.

I didn't want to ruin my locker with stickers, so I painted the whole thing in red, white, and blue to represent the flag. I finish changing into my gym uniform and join the line.
"Alright lady and gents. I don't want to be so hard on you on your first week so we're going to do sit ups as warm ups. Get with your partners."

I walk up to Tony. "Good morning Tony. Great summer?"
Tony turns around and glares at me. "It was until you showed up."
"Stark and Rogers stop talking. No sit ups for you two. Two laps, now."
I turn off the shower and dry myself. I get myself dressed. I wonder why Tony hates me so much. I've never done anything to him. Truth is I've been crushing on him for a while. Bucky and I dated once but it didn't really work out so we split up and mutually decided to stay as friends. It was nice though, I'll admit.

Peggy and I lasted for a bit but same thing as Bucky. Natasha and I only lasted a day. She definitely wasn't the one for me. The first time Tony and I met was in camp for Freshman year and I might've come out as arrogant and uptight. Halfway through sophomore year, I realize I liked him. I'm late for study hall. "Shit."

I dash to the library. "No running." Fury says as he passes by me.
"Sorry Mr. Fury." I slow down my pace. I walk in the library and see that Nat is throwing raisins.
"Stop littering Nat."
"Sorry Steve."
I see Tony whispering something to the new kid. I brush it off. Thor finally arrives.

"Sorry I'm late, Loki kept me up."
I notice the new guy looks nervous.
"I've never been surrounded by so many people in a good way."
"Don't worry, Bruce. We won't hurt you." Nat says.
"I'm Bruce."
"Hey Bruce." Us three blondes say in unison.
I finish tidying up the table we were all sitting in and walk to lunch. I see Bucky and Sam already sitting at our table. "My two best friends." I say taking out my packed lunch.
"I'm your bestest friend." Bucky pushes.
"I know." I give Bucky a quick peck on the cheek.
"Woah, woah, woah. PDA! That's not allowed here." Sam says pretending to gag.

"What about me?" A feminine voice says. I get up and give Peggy a hug.
"You're my best girl."
She gently kisses my cheek. "Is it fine if Vision sits with us today?"
I look up and see Vision behind her.
"Of course, Peg. Hey Vision."
"Hello Steve, Sam, and Bucky." He nods.

We all sit down and talk about our summers.
"During the summer, I went to a TED talk and hung out with Pepper and Tony." Vision says.
"Steve has a crush on Tony." Sam spits out.
I glare at Sam. "Sam why did you say that?"
"Don't worry Steve. I won't tell.', Vision smiles, 'Besides, I have a crush too." He blushes.
"Who?" Peggy asks.

He looks over me and I turn around to see her.
"She's weird, man." Sam says swallowing his water.
"Sam that's not nice." Peggy warns.
"I hate to break it to you by people thinks she's weird and more mysterious than me." Bucky picks at his fries.
"I think Wanda looks cool." I shoot a smile at Vision.
"So do I." Peggy adds on.

"And Vis?"
"Yes Steve?"
"If you really like her, I say go for it."
"Thank you, Steve."
"My turn. My team won the soccer tournament." Peggy twirls halfway in her seat. We all cheer for her.
"I went zip lining." Sam says.
"Aw, man, and you didn't fall?" Bucky teases.
"Very funny. What did you do B?"
"I went to Brooklyn with Steve."
I lift my hands up in surrender. "What can I say? I'm with him till the end of the line."
I head to Pre-Cal after freshening myself up. Unfortunately, I have that class by myself. Ms. Denvers really liked me that she let me sit wherever I wanted. After Pre-Cal, I walk to the last class of the day that I have alone once again, World History AP. Ms. Strong started pairing us up in three to get used to teamwork. This is, if not, at least one of my favorite classes this year.
"Alright class, remember to do your homework. Enjoy elective." Ms. Strong smiles.
She's one of those cool teachers but will still be on your ass if she needs to. I walk downstairs to the Church History room. Yup that's what I chose for my elective. I walk inside just as class starts.

"Good afternoon class, I'm Mrs. Walch. Why don't we introduce ourselves to one another." I walk around and notice a junior.
"You're Peter, right?" I ask.
"And you are?" The blonde blue eyed boy asks.
"Steve. Steve Rogers."
"You're Peggy's friend?"
"Call me Quill, Rogers."
He extends his hand and I shake it.
I walk to the student conference room for Best Buddies. The first thing I see are a couple of bullies teasing Wanda.
"Look at her." The bullies sneer.
Wanda seems like she's hiding something. Why isn't she defending herself?

I walk up to one of the bullies and slam them against the wall. "Leave her alone." I seriously say in my most threatening voice.
"What he said. He might not have the balls to fight you, but I sure do."
I turn around and I see Hela standing protectively over Wanda.

I never see Hela and she looks as scary as Thor says she is. The bullies apologize to Wanda and walk away.
"Thank you." Wanda smiles.
This feels like the start of a new friendship.
I'm back on the bus with Bucky. We live a street across from each other. As the bus leaves we pass Tony in the parking lot in his car with Pepper. It saddens me that I might not ever have him. It's like Bucky can read my mind cuz he pats my leg.
"You'll get him one day."
"And if I don't?"

"Well we're still in high school, Stevie. We have a whole life ahead of us. Feelings just don't go away Steve."
I lean on his shoulder. "What do you mean by that?"
He wraps an arm over me. "Once we graduate and have jobs and let's say we're still single 10 years later, let's marry each other."
"You're serious?" I look up at him.
"Yeah, I'm with you till the end of the line pal." He smiles and presses a quick kiss on the top of my head.

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