Chapter Six

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Clint's POV
"Ow." I sluggishly sit up realizing I fell asleep on the bus. I look outside my window and see S.H.I.E.L.D High. If I would've woken up on time, I would've had a ride to school. The bus comes to a stop and I hop off in search of Nat.

She usually likes to park by the light pole near the oak tree, so I walk by there. There she is crouching down, putting a padlock to her motorcycle. "Two years here Romanoff and you still worry about your bike being stolen." She turns around and smiles, "Can it bird boy. It's my baby. Russian bikes are pretty expensive."

She finishes up and gives me a hug. "How was your summer?" Her eyes light up as she asks me. "It was great actually! I took a break from the farm and went to Bird Island with the family." "That sounds really nice." The school bell rings. "We should get going." Natasha says as she gets her bag. I wrap my arm over her shoulder as we start walking.

"What about you? Did you get to visit your family?"
"No sadly, but Steve invited me to go to Brooklyn with him and Bucky." "I told you you should've gone to Bird Island with us." I smirk.
"No thanks. I much rather be with the boys in Brooklyn." She smirks as I playfully frown. She's never really understood my love for birds.

We finally enter school. "I can't believe we're seniors." She murmurs. "Me too. What class do you have first? I'll drop you off." I drop her off at English 4 and head to gym to change into my gym uniform. I wanted to arrive at school with it already on, since it's my first class in the morning, and logical, but my mom freaked.

I enter the locker room and change. I put my backpack into my locker which is decorated. As our easy final grade for last semester, Coach Lee wanted us to decorate our lockers in a way that expressed ourselves. So I did mine with a bow coming out of an ear. It shows that I'm deaf and I love archery. I some what jog outside and join the class.

Coach Lee blows his whistle. "Alright ladies and gents. I don't want to be hard on you for your first week, so we're going to do sit ups as warm ups. Get with your partners." I meet up with Rhodey and give him a pat. "Rhodes, I've missed you." "Back at ya Hawk."

I give him my typical hawk call and we both erupt into laughter. Coach Lee gives us a warning glance and I throw myself to the floor and start doing my sit ups. Rhodey kneels down to hold my feet. "One. Two." He looks around and whispers, "I'm so glad you're my partner. I didn't want to end up like Quill over there with Thanos."

We look over at the pair and we see Quill trying his best not to snap at Thanos. I finish doing my sit ups and switch places with Rhodey. I hold down his feet as he starts doing his sit ups. "Thank you for existing." I laugh. Rhodey joins in, "And leave you with grape man. I would never."
I dry my hands with my towel and put my hearing aid back on. I walk with Rhodey and leave him in Statistics. A few rooms down, I enter English 4. I scan the desks and notice a shiny brunette sitting towards the back window. She's the only one there and really concentrated on her notebook.

I walk up to the desk and open the chair next to her. "Is this seat taken?" She jumps in her seat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I giggle. She motions for me to sit and smiles. "You're fine. It's my fault for zoning out." I take a seat and notice her doodles. "Do you draw?"

She follows my state and closes her notebook. "Kind of. Just whatever comes to mind." She blushes. "I've never seen you before. Are you new?" "No, I'm just very quiet." She laughs. I look at her in awe. Her laugh is like music to my ears. "I'm Laura." She sticks her hand out and I grab it. "Clint."

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