Chapter One

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-Bruce's Pov
-Italics is Bruce speaking in his head/ thoughts

"Have a great day sweetie!"
Mom drops me off and drives off to work. I come face to face with SHIELD High School. It's pretty big for a two story building. It's a gray building with a lot of windows with an eagle logo. The logo is also on the polo and sweater. At least there's a uniform. My last school didn't have uniforms and well, I got teased for the way I dressed.

There's already a lot of students starting to enter, so I join the crowd. I get a lot of looks. I'm the new kid and to make it worse, it's senior year. They all know each other since practically forever, and I'm here ruining that vibe. I finally enter and oh my. The school is huge and polished. This is way better than my last school.

<Okay Bruce, you need to go to the front office.> I look around and see that it's right on the right side of the school entrance. Ring. A brunette lady looks up.
"May I help you?"
"Uh yes.', I stutter, 'I'm Bruce Banner. I'm new." I shuffle around awkwardly.
<Why are you like this Bruce?>
<Shut up Hulk.>

"Ah, yes. Here's your schedule."
She hands me a piece of paper. "Thank you." I smile.
"Also, Mr.Banner, Mr. Fury would like a word in his office." She points to a door with the word principal on it. I sigh and head to his office. The school year hasn't even started yet and I'm already in trouble. Great.

I knock on the door and hear a come in.
"Mr.Banner, how are you? Please rake a seat."
I take a seat and take in Mr.Fury's appearance. He seems... nice.
"I'm good sir. A little nervous."
"There's no need Mr.Banner."
"Am i in trouble?" I blurt out.
"No. I just like to greet my students on a more personal level. You're a great asset here at SHIELD. I'm glad you finally came to us."
"It's a pleasure to be here."
"I don't want you to be late on your first day, so I'll let you go. I'd like you to report back here immediately after club hours. Is that clear?"

He stares at me with such a serious face it makes me start sweating. "Y-yes."
"Good. You are excused."
I get my stuff and stumble out of the room and office. There's an ocean of kids in the hall. Why is there so many people? I don't even know where my first class is. I look at my watch, 7:50. I have 10 minutes before first period. What am I going to do now? I don't want to look like an even bigger loser than I am.

"Bruce Banner!"
I turn around and see a kid with spikey wild hair. "Yes? How do you know my name?"
"I have my ways.', he sticks his hand out, 'Tony Stark."
"Yeah, I just called you that." He laughs.
I mentally face palm myself. <Way yo go Bruce.>

"Anyways, Brucie, I'm gonna call you that just a heads up, what's your first class?"
I open the paper the lady gave me. What the heck. This is gibberish to me. "I don't know."
"Let me see."
I hand him the paper and he quickly eyes it.
"Follow me." He starts walking north and I follow. In a few minutes we arrive outside a classroom labeled English 4.

We walk in and he sits in a table of 3 near the window and motions for me to sit. "Welcome to English 4. The teacher is pretty hot, don't let her distract you." He grins.
"She's never going to date you Tony. Besides, don't you have a girlfriend?"
I look up and see that a red headed girl sat down on the last seat of our table. She gives off a little faint russian accent.

"You never know and I love Pepper, but I can still look at girls."
The Russian girl looks at him skeptically.
"Anyways, Brucie that feisty girl is Natasha. Natasha, Bruce."
She gives me a slight nod. "Don't stress it Bruce, I know what it's like to be new."
"Yeah, I came from Russia two years ago. That's when I met Tony and dated him for a week."
"Hey can it Romanoff. We're still friends though."
"Yeah at least."

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