Oikawa 1113 sleepy time gone wrong 27

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Oikawa 27

(A/N)- I've been waiting to wrote this chapter for sooo long

I got kicked out of my room.

Literally. I tried to go in, but as soon as I opened the door some man kicked the back of my knee then pushed me out with his foot, saying that I should respect people's privacy. Apparently someone gave my room to guests, and never told me.

So that left me with three choices. A, find one of the palace staff, B, bother my parents until they deal with it, and C, go bother my new husband. The last two have the highest chances of me getting something thrown at my face, but the first two take a lot more time, effort and walking. I looked at the door next me and debated what would happen if I walked in there. I tried to decide where our relationship stood. How much would he be willing to help me husband or not. Too bad Makki had to leave early. He's the only one Iwa-chan listens to on a regular basis.

But what about my parents? Sure they didn't like me, but they'd help...right. Let's be honest they probably wouldn't. They'd tell me to figure it out or do it myself. I'd have a better chance sleeping in the room I just got kicked out of than going to them. Now the palace staff would help me. They always have night guards and maids, and since I'm married to someone they've known for a while they'd definitely help. But this place was huge and they specialize at staying quiet and out of sight.

After a couple seconds of debate I found myself standing in Iwa-chan's room surprised to find him asleep. It makes sense he's had a long to days, even longer than mine. Plus I'm pretty sure every time I see him the bags under his eyes get larger. I thought he would at least stay up for a shower, but he hasn't even taken his suit off.

This caused another debate to spark in my brain. Do I wake him up or not? Do I risk his harsh words or not? If not do I stay here or try to execute another one of my plans? Shaking my head I decide that this is still the easier option.

I slowly walk over to Iwa-chan's bed. The faint moon light from the big window allows me to see that he's laying face first on the pillow. Even his dark hair looks a little less spikey, like it too is exhausted. His suit jacket and tie have been tossed onto a chair and his shoes are half off but still on. Sighing I sit on the bed next to him, wincing a little when a creek fills the quiet room. I reach out a hand resting it on his broad shoulder. He's still warm despite the room being quite cold. It makes me wonder how he isn't always sweating like a pig.

I lightly shake him. Nothing. I shake him again, muttering a quiet 'Iwa-chan' with it. Nothing. I continue this for another minute shaking him harder each time. I felt my voice get louder almost at a normal speaking voice. Still nothing.

He's not waking up anytime soon. I fall back on the bed not caring about the sound I make. At this point I'm certain he could sleep through a tornado. Slowly my eyelids started to feel heavier and heavier. Then I was asleep.

A loud shout followed by a thud woke me from my sleep. Still a bit confused, I looked around my room. Looking around I was surprised to see different colored walls, chairs, curtains, and even a different seating arrangement than what I normally had. Then It came back to me. The debates I had with my tired self. I was in my husband's room. Quickly my head shifted to my right to see no Iwa-chan. The bathroom light wasn't on and I was certain no one had left through the main door. My questions were soon answered by the sound of heavy breathing and quiet curses. Looking over the edge I saw probably the most surprising thing in my life.

Iwa-chan was sitting next to the bed, his legs spread out in front of him and back facing me. His hands were clenching his hair as they shook slightly. Moving around the bed I got a look at his face. His eyes were closed tightly as he muttered something to himself.

He must have heard me because he instantly went still. His eyes opened at almost a snail's pace. Green eyes met mine and I've never felt my heart hurt so much. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he stared at me. I've never seen him other than a pillar of strength. How was I so wrong. How had I missed the signs that he was just putting up an act? He was doing better than I ever could. Even Iwa-chan knew that I could be a self-centered drama king, and I attempted to hide that.

"What are you doing here Oikawa? Get out," my heart broke again at his quiet voice.

"Iwa-chan what happened what's wrong?"

"I said get out Oikawa"

"I'm just trying help," I try to reason but he isn't having it.

"Leave Crappykawa!!!!!!!!!!" I stepped back in surprise, almost tripping on my own foot. Without thinking I was out the door and down the hall. I was aware of my mouth hanging open in shock but I couldn't shake it. Despite his temper Iwa-chan's never yelled at me like that. Did I do something wrong? He was finally done with me wasn't he? That must be some kind of record, it's still technically the day of our wedding.

After about fifteen minutes of walking I finally reached the door I was looking for. Knocking I waited trying to get myself under control. A man opened the door. He squinted at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"Can I help you?" the man said.

Normally my mother would have his head for speaking so formally to a prince like me, but I couldn't care less. Especially in this situation.

"Is Hanamaki Takahiro here?"

"Uh yes why?"

"Just tell him I need him it's important!" The man's eyes widened at my raised voice. He disappeared inside.

Soon I hear a pair of fast footsteps. "Hello what is it tha- Oikawa? What happened?! Is something wrong?"

"It's Iwa-chan something's wrong! He's acting strange and I don't know what's wrong!" Before I even finished my sentence Makki had taken off running. He swerves through the halls faster than I thought possible. We reach Iwa-chan's door, but he closes it before I can even dare to enter.

What in the world is going on!

(A/N)- did you know one reason I like the cover of this book is becuase the bright greenish/blueish color makes it really easy to find.  I don't know how I found time to write on today of all days, but I had plenty.

Also since I couldn't sleep last night I planned the rest of my book and....hehehe I think you guys are gonna be mAd.

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