Iwa Special 1251

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(A/N)- Again this chapter has nothing to do with he story line, it's just a little extra I wanted to write.

Iwa special 

"How did we lose both of them! Usually you and Makki are joined at the hip!"

"Why am I supposed to know where he is at every moment. He's his own person. PLUS he's your guard. This is just a bad training program."

"Train- no what never mind. What about Oikawa?"

"I don't know he's your husband"

"You're supposed to be guarding him idiot."

"Oh you're right..."

I sighed. "You're the worst."

"Aww don't talk to yourself that way, we all love you!" He slung an arm around my shoulders .

Shooting him a glare before continuing down the hall. "Do you think they're together?"

"Why, worried for Oikawa's safety?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he smirked.

"No it's just easier if they are." The guard shrugged peeking around a corner. Staring out the window I let myself get lost in thought. Both Makki and Oikawa had been acting strange all day. Well stranger. The former had ditched Matsun at the barracks and Oikawa left in the middle of breakfast for no apparent reason. It's now midnight and they haven't reappeared.

Matsun threw open a door scaring me out of my thoughts, and a couple maids who didn't hesitate to throw a pair of pants at his face. "I don't think they're in here." he muttered, shutting the door.

"Hey Iwaizumi?" I hummed, letting him know I was listening. "Have you ever thought about getting glasses? I think you'd look pretty good in them."

"Oi what's with the topic change?"

Grabbing my shoulders he spun me around to face the window. Outside the window I was absentmindedly staring out of, were the two lost boys.

"You could've just said that."

"I also want to see you in a sleeveless shirt...I mean like come on Iwaizumi that would be amazing."

"I hate you so much"

"Is that a maybe?"

"No it's not a maybe, now shut up!"

"Oh so it's a yes?"

Deciding to ignore him and his laughter I made my way outside. There Oikawa and Makki laid on the grass softly speaking to each other. They were watching the sky and the stars pass by, both with a small smile on their face. Oikawa pointed out a couple constellations and laughed when Makki tried to make one up. If either of them noticed my approach they didn't show it.

"What happened to never learning the constellations?" the other prince jumped at the sound of my voice, causing the pink-haired guard to laugh.

"That was just an attempt at sounding wise, I just didn't want to find the book or take the time." I shook my head smiling at his shenanigans.

"Why are you guys out here in the first place?" Jumping at Matsun's voice I overhear Oikawa saying something about payback.

"It's simply calming to us." Finally speaking Oikawa tilted his head back to look at us. His voice was soft, just barely loud enough for me to hear. "Don't you think?"

"No." the both of us said. Makki snickers while the brunet smacks his shoulder.

He hits him back lightly before walking over to Matsun. On his way past me he sticks his tongue out poking my arm. "You guys just aren't doing it right." As if planned both Makki and Oikawa, who somehow made his way over to me, kicked the back of our knees, knocking us to the ground.

The prince lays down at my side, one hand attempting to bring me down with him. "Come on Iwa-chan!" I smile at him and the ways his eyes are sparkling as he looks up. Going along with his request I sit back feeling the grass tickle my neck. Or shoulders press against each other but neither of us move away. I don't think I ever realized how comforting it was just to be next to Oikawa. For a couple minutes I listened to him talk, only inputting a few words here or there, but we were both fine with that. Though before too long my eyelids started to feel heavy, and I felt sleep take over me.

At some point I woke up. I could hear the three other boys talking. Matsun was grumbling about it being cold out here while Makki aggressively whispered about letting me finally sleep. This is when I realized I was laying in something that most definitely wasn't the ground. There was also a hand running through my hair slowly. Opening my eyes I saw Oikawa's long legs stretched out in front of me. One leg, the leg I happened to be on, was bent sideways, his foot resting to the side of his other knee.

"If you guys want to go inside feel free." Oikawa's loud, unexpected voice scared me out of my thoughts. I laughed internally, imagining the glare Makki was giving him right now. "Don't you guys also have that meeting in the morning? I seriously don't mind." This time his voice was closer to a whisper.

"Oh my god yes let's go inside!" Matsun's voice was followed by the rustle of grass, the closing of a door, and a sigh from Makki.

"Are you going to wake him?"

"Not for another couple minutes. I'm fine watching the sky for a bit longer." Another shut of the door told me we were alone. We sat in silence for a couple seconds listening to each other's breath. "I know you're awake Iwa-chan," he poking my head.

"No I'm not."

Oikawa laughed. "Are you comfortable?"

"Of course not Crappykawa," I lied shifting so I could look at him. "Just too tired to move."

"Ah yes of course." He smiled, his eyes closing. Those were my favorite smiles. They were always real and genuine. No one could fake the joy and exuberance his face showed. Again a comfortable silence settles between us. It reminded me of when I used to do this with Makki. Just laying in the grass forgetting that which weighed us down.

"Iwa-chan my leg's starting to hurt."


"Iwa-chan! Get off" The brunet leaned over me, a pout forming on his face. Staring back as calmly as I could, I of course didn't move. Then he gave me that sly smile. "Iwaizumi, I'm gonna need you to get off"

It took a moment for me to register his words. I guess the confusion was clear on my face because Oikawa started to laugh. While he was still laughing, I sat up quickly, hitting his head with mine.

"Shut up Trashykawa!"

"Hey that hurt!" despite his words he was still smiling. "You're so mean to me Iwa-chan!"

"Yeah, yeah, come on let's go inside, I can tell you cold." I could see the goose bumps running down his arm.

"I'm never cold when I'm with you~" The prince's tone was a combination of joking and flirty. Even so I felt my face warm against my will. Shaking my head I stood up from my spot and moved towards the door. Part of me remembered the pain another brown haired and eyed person brought me. The fear that leaves me shaking yet stronger than before. I turned, seeing Oikawa hop up from his spot to follow me. His eyes shone under the soft light of the moon, and the other part of me spoke up. The part of me that admired the prince in front of me. He always put on a smile and did what needed to be done. He's optimistic and more kind-hearted than he ever gives himself credit for. Smiling, I let him catch up to me.

"Aww what's got you smiling like that Iwa-chan?"

I only shrugged not having the courage to tell him that he was the one on my mind.

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