Iwa 844 device 42

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(A/N)- this is going to be important eventually so keep in mind that while they are basically seen as the same thing, when I say palace I essentially mean like a smaller less fancy castle. When It becomes more important I'll clarify better.

On the same note, if you remember that I wrote palace before this, please let me know, I need to fix that.

"The carriages are in position sir." Watari said, running a hand over his buzz cut. "Do you think this will work?"

"It has to." Just a couple minutes ago Oikawa, Matsun, and Yahaba had left, leading a group to search for the missing guards. While they did that, all the carriages we had were outside of the town waiting for civilians. The plan was to get them out while the attack happened. This way no innocent people get hurt. I have no doubt that this will be a brutal fight, but this time we're ready. This time I will fight to the end.

Standing with me now, is Makki, and what is left of the guards. We're not in the throne room but the entrance hall, where we can see the terrorist out a window. As far as we know they think we are all still in the castle, save the few people that had previously been with Yahaba. That means we have the upper hand. They aren't expecting anything. Thanks to this, casualties may be far fewer.

Nothing happens for almost an hour. No one outside moves from their spot or does anything new. They just sit there. My entire body itches to leave and join Oikawa where there is something to do. I look over at Makki who is staring intently out the window. But there are more people here. If we leave the castle empty who knows what will happen. I know Oikawa's group can handle whoever they come across. Oikawa is skilled in combat, Matsun is a powerhouse with that sword of his, and Yahaba is shaping up to be like Oikawa himself. If we were to leave this spot and the people outside were to raid we'll lose our best defense.

Then they all stand. Every single one of the people outside stands and gives a slight bow. Standing straight they all tilt their heads to look at something high above them.

"Hello everyone!" The voice rang in our ears as if the person was right next to us. Confused, we all look around and search nearby rooms, but no one is around. "We have some unfortunate news to share with you all. Yesterday a crime was committed. A crime so cruel and so devastating it almost hurts to say. I was so close to Queen Oikawa and she was a dear friend. Beyond that she was also a wonderful Queen. Yes you heard me correctly, I said was thrice! Yesterday Queen Oikawa was murdered in cold blood, by the one, the only, the King Iwaizumi." Shocked expressions spread across the faces of the terrorists. "This can not go unpunished! The king and queen have both been found, but the prince is still around. Last we saw he was in the castle surrounded by all the guards. As long as he is out there he is a threat to not only the rest of the Oikawa lineage but to all the innocent people as well. Now I know there are some scary people around but they are there for your protection. We are only doing what is needed to keep balance in this town." A soft muffling could be heard then the voice sighed. "Yes the murders. I and everyone working is deeply sorry for those that had to witness them. You see we can't let people that have been scheming with the king stay among you. We gave them the opportunity to come willingly and when they denied, and tried to escape, there was nothing we could do. Trust me I am only here for your protection. We do not want to kill, but if we must we will take action."

"Iwaiz-" Makki said before being cut off by the voice again. Beside me my friend was holding a small black box. Somehow the voice was coming through it. Picking it up I noticed that it vibrated with each word the speaker said. Tiny holes sprinkled one of the sides, which appeared to be the source of the sound. "What is it?"

Just as confused as he is, I shake my head. I've never seen anything like this. It was smooth to the touch and I could not see a possible opening for any source of power. Then my thumb caught on a little hatch. Prying it open carefully I saw two small cylinders. Each of the cylinders' sides was marked with either a small plus sign or minus sign. I looked at Makki who was staring in astonishment. I took one of the cylinders out. Instantly the voice from the box died out. Though I could still hear them, so there must have been more of these. Turning the small thing in my hand I gasped at the small red words lining the side. Showing it to Makki I watched his eyes widen.

"Now we know why no one's been to that palace in years," he whispered.

Looking over the red writing one more time I put the device back together before pocketing it for later. Still the word was engraved in my mind.


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