Oikawa 820 Totally Not UNO 21

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Oikawa 820 Totally Not UNO 21

Closing the door behind her my mother took a deep breath. An eerie silence filled the room even the usual sound of a clock seemed to stop. The air was heavy with tension so thick a knife wouldn't cut it.

"Tooru..." she looked at me with a hesitant expression. What was she planning? Quicker than the blink of an eye her face changed into her usual condineding smile. "How is it going with Hajime?"

"Good. You'll be glad to hear we've been spending more time together," I think I've learned what she wants to hear. She would hate it if she knew that our guards were with us most of the time.

"That's nice that you have learned to trust each other." The comment made me stop breathing for a second. Did Iwa-chan trust me?

I nod my head anyway.

Clapping her hand like an excited school girl, she moves to sit on a nearby chair. "Oh Tooru there's only six more days until we can leave that kingdom behind!"

My body stiffened. Is she staying? I thought I would finally get a break from her. I thought that when she left I would finally be able to breath. I thought she would leave me alone just this once.

"I know it seems weird sweety, and I know the plan was that we would be a major piece in some court or whatever they were putting together, but that place needs to go. I'm thinking we destroy the whole thing and make it into a big fountain with statues. Wouldn't that look amazing!" she rested a hand on her face as she thought of her masterpiece. "Plus we were already given permission to stay here for however long we wanted, so don't worry about us having a place to stay." I wasn't worried about that.

5 days until the wedding

Trying not to laugh I choked on my water. Across from me Iwa-chan openly laughed, which I think is my favorite sound in the world. We were sitting at a large table in the dining hall. It took up about a half of the space in the room. This didn't include the strip of space hidden in the shadows specifically for guards. The table itself was a long rectangular slab of smooth wood. Seven chairs were placed on each of the longer sides, and of course one at each of the shorter.

Cards were laid out in front of the two of us in two stacks. One facing up displaying the bright colors of the card, while the other, which was far taller than the former, was faced down showing their black backs. We were supposed to be laying them down matching color and number, switching who played. What we were doing was definitely not that. The rules had been changed at least seven times and the game had been going on for only twenty minutes.

The card currently on top was a red five. After contemplating it Iwa-chan laid a blue four on top. He still had a small smile on his face but he was serious about the play.

"Iwa-chan you can't play that card."

"You played a blue one earlier on a yellow four! What's the difference?" He dropped his cards on the table, careful not to show me any.

"I felt a connection to the card. I had to play it."

"What if I have the same connection?"

"I won't allow it. If we could play any card that we felt pulled towards, like my blue one earlier, then the game would be over by now."

"Then why did you get to play yours?"

"Because you didn't challenge it," I layed a blue twelve calmly trying not to laugh at his outburst. I waited for a moment, but when he didn't play I looked up at him. Well I looked up at his chair. He was gone. "Iwa-chan?" Before I could look around something smacked me in the head. It was soft like a pillow, but it still hurt.

Barely staying on my chair I turned to a fuming Iwa-chan. Holding the object, which was actually a pillow, he took a step closer to me. "Awww does Iwa-chan not like to lose?" I mocked ignoring the fact that he might hit me again.

"You're just being unfair?" He huffed throwing the pillow at me.

"You literally played a seven on a five saying it worked because they added to twelve, and there were twelve cards in a color, but when I tried to do the same you said it didn't work because they had to be the same color."

"Yeah but that's a rule, I didn't get away with it because 'it wasn't challenged'."

"If this is what the game is like already what do you think it would be like with the extra cards they took out?" A voice said entering the room.

"You mean the forced draw cards?"

"Yeah, it would be chaos,"

"I second that."

Spinning to the two guards we both yelled at them to be quiet.

(A/N)- Today I watched someone not be able to name a city in New York and I think I died a little. (Does this sentence even make sense? Like is it correct?) 

LOL "do all my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep!"-reference to random stuff #374..?)

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