Oikawa 1652 The Bunker 37

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Oikawa 37

I meant what I said. Every word. In truth I was still hopelessly in love with him. I think I have been for a while. I think a part of me also knew that Iwa-chan would never share my feelings. Which hurt...a lot. I always wondered who the person I was going to merry was going to be like. I wondered if they were going to be bold or timid. Optimistic or pessimistic. An introvert or an extrovert. As Well as anything in between. I really only had one thing that I wished for. I wanted them to want me back. My parents only ever see me as an object that they can use to elevate their status, my sister ran off the first chance she got and hasn't written since. I have Matsun and we've been friends for years, but there are some types of love the black haired guard can't give me. Like the unconditional love from a parent or the romantic forever love of a couple. Here I was, falling for a man that doesn't want me. If I hadn't come here I would still have a chance to have love. I kinda wanted to punch myself for this.

A shape pain erupted in my cheek flinging my head to the side. Gasping with pain I opened my eyes. It took a second for my eyes to readjust, but I soon found my father standing in front of me. One of his hands was slightly outstretched like he had just slapped someone. The pain suddenly wasn't a mystery now.

"What was that for!"

"You weren't waking up." His monotone voice echoed in the room. Where were we?

"There are easier ways to wake up your son."

He turned to me and shook his head. "You know I'm not fond of violence. I tried other things but they weren't getting the job done." That's true, he never liked any sort of fighting. He always refused to watch any spars and never hunted even though it is a popular tradition on celebration days.

Taking a moment I looked around the room. The walls were grey and appeared to be made of metal. Racks of food, water, and other necessities lined one of the walls. There were two doors that led out of the room. One was marked with 'bathroom' the other 'exit'. The latter had a huge lock on it and the wheel type door handle looked difficult to turn. I sat up from the soft chair I sat in and stretched for a moment. My dad's eyes watched me closely.

"We're in a bunker?"

"Of sorts yes. Just below the castle on the opposite side of the dungeons."

"And why are we here?"

"To put it simply, Hajime's father is not a good man."

"Why do you say that?"

"Your mother is dead Tooru." That sentence shocked for two reasons. The first being that he actually sounded sad. My father was not an expressive man in any way. The second of course being that my mother is gone. I didn't know how to feel about this. On one hand, that woman was a literal witch. She was mean and borderline cruel. On the other she was still the reason I am the person I am today. Without her pushes I wouldn't be half as skilled.

"She's really dead?" The words came out as a whisper, but he still heard them.

"Yes, do you not know what that means?" he's being sarcastic but I answer anyway.

"I'm not stupid, I know what death is."

"Could've fooled me."

I sigh as I stand up to scour through the food. There was a lot of jerky. Opening a package I sit back down silently eating. Probably ten minutes passed before It felt like it finally sunk in.

"How do you know it was Iwa-chan's dad?"

"Pretty much right after you left he managed to get a sword to your mother's neck, threatening us and demanding the impossible. Being the strong willed person she is, your mother refused. Next thing I knew there was a lot of blood on the floor and I was running for my life."

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