Oikawa 702 Prince Iwaizumi 4

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Oikawa 4
Here we were, the Palace of Aoba Johsai. It wasn't much older than the castle back home but it was most definitely bigger overall.

I looked around the garden. There were stone paths leading every which way along with one that lead to the front door. Two fountains on either side of me spewing water in large arches. The grass here was the greenest I've ever seen along with the trees the tallest. All kinds of flowers brightened up the place, in which I could only name about half. A gardener approached us, her black hair tied back.

"Good morning, your majesties" she said, bowing to my parents before doing the same to me. "Your highness." She stared at me for a couple of seconds, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Because of course. "The Queen and King have been notified of your arrival and will be here shortly."

"And what of the prince?" My mother asked, watching the gardner skeptically. 

"I'm afraid we have been unable to locate him," she chuckled. The way she said it seems like this happened all too often. She realized what she said and scrambled to correct herself. "I mean he'll be down shortly."

My father laughed and my mother's scowl. "He's just a little adventurous dear." I couldn't help but agree with my mother. He should be coming down with his parents like a true prince. If I ever did that I'd be in so much trouble.

Shortly after two people burst through the doors. The man was tall with brown hair and blue eyes, while the woman was on the shorter side with black hair and almost as dark eyes. Both of them wore a crown on their head.

After the lengthy introductions my parents along with the King and Queen of Aoba Johsai decided it was the appropriate time to talk for an hour. In the freezing cold. For an hour. That and after an hour the supposed prince still hadn't made an appearance.

As if my thoughts were his cue the doors swung open revealing a boy about his age with short dirty blond hair. He was wearing light armor and had multiple weapons strung around his body. Probably not the prince. I thought sourly.

The guard tilted his head at our confused faces before turning around and giving a soft chuckle. He walked back a couple steps and pulled something from behind the door. Well not something...someone. Another boy joined them, a wooden box falling from the new boy's hand. They bickered about something, though I could tell they were close. In their conversation I heard the guard call the new guy 'Iwaizumi'. I straightened. So this was the prince. 

He had spiky black hair and dark eyes. It was like he was an exact copy of his mother. The only difference was he looked like he could lift a horse. This prince was-

"Ah Hajime, so nice of you to join us!" The Queen said, giving her son a tight hug. Iwaizumi gave her a soft smile before joining everyone else by the entrance. He gave his parents a strange look before looking at my parents and me. 

For some reason he wouldn't meet my eyes. He barely looked at me at all. For someone with such excited letters he sure didn't seem like it.

"Would you like to come inside your majesties?" he said, giving a small bow to my parents. My parents nodded and followed his lead inside. Iwaizumi was my savior for the day.

When I entered the palace I felt all the air rush out of my lungs. It had to be at least twice as big as our foyer. Two round tables sat in the middle of the room, both surrounded my couches and extremely comfortable looking chairs. Two either side was a staircase that turned up with their perspective walls. I was so in awe with the place I didn't even notice the prince had come to my side.

"Would you like to show me to your room?" he said. Iwaizumi still had a frustrated face but his eyes just looked bored. I gave him my best smile.

"I would enjoy nothing more."

(A/N)- aight two things:
-One I'm supposed to be in class right now but my internet crashed so I can't get back in...fun...
-Two I was so close to posting chapter 5 instead of 4 lol. I was about to hit publish but then I started second guessing my self. Good thing I did because you guys would be slightly confused.

Have a good rest of your day/night! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

(A/N) again- OMG I didn't realize that it was the Miya twins b-day! Happy birthday you chaotic brothers!!!!!😆

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