Iwa 571 faceplant hahahaha 7

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Iwa 7 

My hands twitched to pick up a sword. I should be in my room talking to my soon to be husband, but I can't stand to look at his arrogant face. Every time he says 'Iwa-chan' a certain anger begins to fill my blood. We are not close, you have no right to use a nickname. "Trashykawa" I muttered.

Following the familiar twists and turns of the palace I made my way to the courtyard. It had stopped snowing since the prince and family had arrived, but there was still a thick blanket of snow. The cold air bit into my skin as the door opened before him.

Outside there were ten groups of guards each in deep conversation while watching an eleventh pair. The two swordsmen danced through the snow. Their boots fling the cold substance on to every surface within range. They seemed to be an even match before the taller of the two gained control. Within a second the shorter was on his knees a sword to his throat. A quiet applause sounded through the area.

"Iwaizumi, we were not expecting you today do to visit the royal family today." One man said. I snapped my head to a man who stood not too far from the formally sparring pair.

"I know, and in truth I think this is a terrible idea, but I need to do something more productive." The guard gave a nod to my response before waving his hand to signal someone to me. I recognized the person I sparred with the other day. He gave me a big grin then raised his sword to me.

After a couple matches we were both dripping with sweat, though neither of us slowed. I took one particularly hard swing, and the guard ended up on the ground, his sword falling to the floor next to him. He stared at me for a second before his eyes widened and he jumped to his feet. A laugh sounded behind me.

"That was quite the blow Iwa-chan," Spinning I turned to see Oikawa behind me. Glaring at him I corrected my name yet again, though I assume it landed on deaf ears.

Oikawa picked up the fallen sword, turning it in his hand. Suddenly he lunged at me the sword extended. Barely getting my sword up in time I blocked him blow. Oikawa was quick and precise with his strikes. Regardless of that, he was strong. This was a boy with true skill. It was all I could do to block his strikes. At least he can back up some of that arrogance. SOME. I thought. The prince seemed to know what I was going to do before I even did it. My frustration grew with every second. Not because I thought I should beat him but because I had the strangest of feeling that if he wanted to he could have already run me through several times over.

With the flick of his wrist, Oikawa sent my sword spinning to the snow. Growling I sank to the floor to pick it up. The prince was smiling at me, the sword spinning loosely in his hand. I stuck out my foot intending to trip him. He stepped over it. Like it was some sort of choreographed fight. Oikawa's eyes widened as he tripped on his own foot. I let out a chuckle as he landed face first in the snow.

(A/N)- For those of you who have bothered to make it this far I wanted to apologize for how slow moving this is. I promise it will start to pick up especially in the next...(let me check real quick)...okay it picks up on chapter 10. Dang that's like 3 chapters away! Sorry the next few will just be quick preparation that will come out close to each other or in one long chapter. I haven't decided yet. 

Sorry for the long note but as always I hope you enjoyed today's episode of  my otp annoying the crap out of each other. BYEEEEE!!

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