Oikawa 1227 setting up some stuff 31

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Oikawa 31

The moment I stepped foot in the capital's town I was swarmed by people. Though no one dared to get too close thanks to a tough looking black-haired guard.

Since I now both live here and am officially considered a prince of Aoba Johsai I have had to learn about their traditions. To my disappointment there was supposed to be one a couple days after the wedding. Typically the royal wedding is held in a private way, so no one feels like they are pressured to do something, and to just enjoy the wedding. Because of this within a week of getting married a celebration is held within the city. I saw it as a great way to get to know the city and the people in it. I also wanted the people to know that I would try my hardest to be the best king I could be, whenever that time came. Due to Iwa-chan's....state that hasn't happened yet.

It's been four days since the wedding. Four days since I had actually seen Iwa-chan. Well the real Iwa-chan. He seemed fine for two days after the time he fell asleep while I was arguing with Makki outside his door. He was quieter but his anger seemed to calm down. I knew at night though he was struggling. After those two days something happened and I haven't seen him since. It was killing me. I was never not worried. I couldn't focus on my studies or training. This was probably the first time I had been around more than two people since the wedding. I had begged and pleaded with Makki to tell me what was going on, but he never responded. All he did was shake his head and sit there leaning against Iwa-chan's door, occasionally talking to him when we were mostly out of ear shot. He hasn't moved once, and had only ever eaten whenever someone brought him food. Matsun usually took that upon himself. It was obvious he was worried too.

"Look it's the new prince!" "Oh he's kinda hot..." "Is that Prince Oikawa?" "Who's that with him?" "I don't know but he looks terrifying." "Where's Prince Iwaizumi?" "Hello Prince Oikawa!"

The last voice caught my attention. She was standing to my immediate left looking at me straight in the eye. She had long brown hair that was pulled up into a ponytail, and brown eyes that shone with excitement. She looked to be about my age, though her childish smile made her look younger.

"Hello Ms." I gave her a smile and a small wave before turning away. I heard her try to say something but other people had already bombarded me with questions. They were mostly about my Kitigawa and what the change was like, but some were about Iwaizumi and the celebration. I answered the best I could, being vague about some things, but answering it truthfully. For the most part.

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I really did enjoy the people of this town and I enjoyed answering the questions. Sadly Matsun pulled me away after a while saying we had stuff to do. Which was true of course.

Two days ago, on March 1st, was Matsun's birthday, and being the guy he was refused to celebrate anything while our two friends were collapsing. I finally convinced him-well actually it was Makki but that was just because I had already softened him up. Mentally I laughed at my own thoughts. Who am I kidding, Makki could convince Matsun that the oceans were dry.

Back to the point!

After managing our way through the crowd we made our way to around town just enjoying the town. We stopped and bought some things, which was just me demanding that I pay for everything because I am a prince and it's his birthday. It turned out to be a great way to get our minds off of our worries.

On our way back to the castle a familiar voice shouted, "Prince Oikawa! Could you spare me a moment?" Both my friend and I turned our heads to see the brunette from earlier, running to catch up to us. "It's about prince Iwaizumi." By the time she reached me she was out of breath. "Wow you guys move fast."

"Can I help you?" I didn't mean for that to sound as snarky as it did but she was acting too casual. Plus she gave me a weird vibe.

"Yes sorry," she took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eye. "This is going to sound weird, but I'm an old friend of his highness and I was wondering if you could take me to see him." Unimpressed I scanned her face looking for her true nature. She looked sincere, but looks can deceive.

"He's never mentioned you."

"Neither has Makki, and I think he would remember if Iwaizumi had another old friend," Matsun added, narrowing his eyes.

"That's odd, but you know how the prince can be. And Hanamaki doesn't have to tell you everything. I don't mean to be rude but..." she paused as if choosing her next words carefully. "Do you even know what happened six years ago?"

Matsun stiffened next to me. Not even I knew and I have spent countless hours searching through history books. They've done a good job hiding whatever it was.

"I'll take that as a no then?" I wanted to be angry at her for being so informal with a prince she didn't know. Because she was exposing that when it comes down to it we don't really know anything about this kingdom that we are supposed to run one day. But I couldn't. Because it was the truth. Not a single lie had been dropped from her mouth, and she had said it in such an innocent way that all I could feel was disappointment in myself.

Taking over the conversation my guard stepped in front of me. "Why do you need to talk with him?"

"So you're considering it?" her face lit up at his words.

"Answer the question."

"I just want to meet up with an old friend. It's been so long."

"Where have you been all this time?"

"Me and my family have been living as far west as you can get without leaving Aoba Johsai."

"Oh so in the direction of Kitigawa then?"


In my peripheral vision I saw Matsun look back at me. If this was just a face the girl was putting up then she was doing a better job then even my mom could do. The look she had on her face wasn't wide eyed with a smile reaching her ears, but a more stern face with a determined yet soft look on her face. If that even makes sense. It definitely looks like something that Iwaizumi would get along with.

"Do we take her Oikawa?" Again I stared at her waiting to see what she will do. For some reason I can't explain. I did not want to take her in that castle.

"Okay, Matsun here will take you to Makki."

"Are you sure?" Matsun asked. He must have been getting the same feeling as me.

"Yes," I whispered. "I'm banking on Makki turning her away. Don't leave her side and take her the long way."

He nodded before bowing to the girl while properly introducing himself. While he was doing that I went on without him taking the familiar route to Iwa-chan's room.

(A/N)- BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....okay so the next chapter was so fun to write, but it's really important that I get it right so I'm gonna post it later that week at the earliest. Also good news I have another book in planning!!! Whoop whoop!!!! yay!!!!! more cheering noises!!!!!!

Also remember when someone(I think Makki) said "Sh-" yeah the word was shawarma...

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