chapter seven

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SHE AWOKE GROGGY and confused, yet it still didn't take long for Blake to see where she was, and when she did, she almost cried

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SHE AWOKE GROGGY and confused, yet it still didn't take long for Blake to see where she was, and when she did, she almost cried.

The basement was dark and damp. She could still see around her, of course, but she was no less afraid. She knew he was there, standing nearly a dozen feet away from her. She knew he was watching her every move, waiting to see how she'd react.

Blake grasped her wrist, and rubbed it. Then, she reached to her other and did the same, as if it would make the throbbing fade.

She looked to her feet. Unlike her hands, her feet were not movable. They were trapped, attached to each other with a cool metal bar.

Blake almost flinched at the former.

After looking around the room once more, Blake had enough. She breathed and spoke, her voice echoing across the dark walls.

"I know you're there," She said. Her voice was hoarse as usual, but it surprised her. It seemed... shaky.

Then, as if on cue, the shadow stepped out and revealed himself.

Cliché, like a movie, Addison Brackenbury stood, half hidden in the dark and half exposed to the light, like the Joker or something. (But it surely would have worked better if he were ugly.)

"Ah," The boy finally said. "Not sure why I hadn't expected that, really. I seem to have forgotten.... Regardless, that is a matter to solve later. Right now... well, I assume you understand how sorry I truly am for this. I hadn't meant to..."

Blake raised an eyebrow, to Addison, watching him struggle and find the right words. Her eyes glared into his own, warning him - daring him - to continue. To say something wrong.

Addison chose the former. He continued, pressed his lips together and sighed, "Well, you know," He said. He looked to Blake - who indeed did not know - before continuing.

"You are becoming reckless.... Vera, HYDRA is back and they are willing to do whatever it takes to find you."

Another pause. Then, "And I fear I cannot afford that."

"What?!" Blake wanted to scream. "What the hell do you mean you can't afford that?!?!" She wanted to cry. She wanted to kick and hit and die and run.

She needed to run.

(Or die.)

But she couldn't.

"Vera..." Addison whispered. "I truly am sorry."

"No, you're not." Blake finally said. It was spat harshly. She kept her tone just below Addison's but he got her message loud and clear.


"Can I go now?" Blake snapped. Her head shot up and faced Addison's own. She gathered her strength and glared to the teenager.

(Well, if he was a teenager, that is.)

Addison sighed once more but hesitantly complied. With a wave of his hand Blake was freed and in seconds she disappeared into the familiar darkness.

i swear these will get longer.

and more interesting because blake is going to go through some serious shit within these next chapters lmao.

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