chapter fourteen

30 2 4

November 14th, 2016
Avengers Tower, Manhattan, NY
United States of America
Planet C53; Earth

November 14th, 201611:11Avengers Tower, Manhattan, NYUnited States of AmericaPlanet C53; Earth

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"WHO THE FUCK are you?" Blake screamed.

The boy jumped. He moved from his former position on the chair to the edge. His face turned crimson, golden eyes wide and cherry lips parted. Just slightly.

"Language," Nat coughed into her hand, earning a glare from the latter and a smirk from herself. (The boy only stared.)

"Sorry. Whom the fucketh are thou," Blake deadpanned. Her vacant eyes darted between the and Nat, then back to the boy.

And when she assigned him as a minimal threat, Blake glared to Natasha. You're so dead, her eyes said.

Nat only laughed. Her head turned to face the boy and she pushed herself off of the wall. She spread her weight evenly and gestured for the boy to speak.

"Um... I'm Spider-Parker," He said. Then, "I mean, Peter-Man. No, wait - shit." Deep breath, speak again. "My name... is... Peter... Parker. I - uh... Mr. Stark said I needed to talk to you, so...."


"Mr. Stark?" Blake mocked. It was a humorless laugh, single syllable, full of more horror than anything else. It was a challenge from her. A sort of let's see who you really are.

"What are you, five?" Blake pushed with a scoff.

"M'fifteen, actually." The boy corrected timidly. He shifted his glance towards Nat, like she'd help.

This poor, unfortunate soul.

"Seriously?!" Blake said. The second she threw her arms to the boy she cried in pain. The boy tried to help, but she pushed him away and suppressed her whimpers. She could make it on her own.

Nat chuckled weakly, "Karma," She mumbled.

"Fuck off."

"You better watch your goddamn language." Nat smirked.

"Um, excuse me-"

"You first." Blake insisted.

"No, you."


"Make me."

"Excuse me, but-"

"SHUT UP!" Blake and Nat both snapped. Peter flinched and Blake almost felt bad.

But still, she didn't.

(Not yet, at least.

She didn't even know the boy, anyways. Why should she care what he thinks or what he does?

Plus, Nat apparently had it covered for her. She liked the boy, perhaps, and that made itself quite enough.)

"Peter, sweetie," Natasha said. Her lips spread into a sick smile, and Peter did the same - though his was much more forced. Much more meaningful. Literally.

"Don't," Blake wanted to say. "She's full of fucking bullshit, don't listen. Don't listen, don't..."

"I'm sorry, could you excuse us for a second?"

Say no, Peter. Say no. I dare you, say-

"Um, yeah... sure thing."


When Peter left, Natasha turned to Blake. "Seriously?!" She whisper yelled.

"What?" Blake snorted from her hospital bed.

Nat rolled her eyes, "He's trying, Blake. He's trying so hard to be your friend... and this is what you do? You just push him away? For what?"

"For what?! For me, Nat! I'm fine the way I am, thank you very much-"


"Fuck off."


Blake sighed, "What?" She mumbled. Her arms found her head and she rubbed her temples. The ache was now dull, throbbing softly, synchronized with her heartbeat.

"Think of Steve," Nat near whispered. "What would he say?"

"I don't know!" Blake snapped. "I don't know, because he's gone, Nat! Gone! Exiled in god knows where with no contact or trace or anything!"

Nat winced, "Blake..." She tried to comfort.

Blake didn't notice it, though. She continued to yell, ignoring the pain and tears.

Then, knock sounds - once, twice - and the door opens. It's Peter. Blake wipes her eyes quickly.

"Um... can I come in?" He asks.

"No." Blake said. She didn't look at him but she noticed his aura sink.

"But Mr. Stark said-"

"Do you do everything he tells you to?"


"God," Blake scoffed. "You really are a kid."

"I uh... yeah. You are too, though. Are... are you alright?"

"Do I look alright?"

"Um, no... but," Peter inched to the girl, cautiously. "Can... can I help you at all? Like get some water... or... something?"

"You can fuck off."

"Um, right. Okay. Well... let me know if you need anything, uh..."

"Bye, Bambi."

"Bye." Peter left. He clapped his hands together and clicked his tongue awkwardly, shutting the door behind him.

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