chapter fifteen

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PETER SIGHED FOR the millionth time today. "So you're kinda the only kid here today — well, me too, I guess, but uh...

"Mr. Stark asked me if you could get a tour before school starts and all, so I think you know where to go but — "

"Save it, Bambi," The scary girl cut him off.

Peter's cheeks burned at the nickname. Why did he agree to this, again?

Right, because Mr. Stark said to.

"I just... uh, sorry." Dammit.

Peter clicked his tongue. "So..." He prompted once more.

The girl didn't look at him and instead focused dead ahead. She kept her pace even as she strode. Each step was the same speed, same distance. Each step didn't make a sound (even though she practically did wear heels).

"So... what's your deal?" She humored.

"M-my deal?" Peter said.

Blake snorted. Then she looked at Peter, "Yeah... why're you at the Avengers Tower all the time?" She asked, still not breaking her even steps.

"Oh, uh... I'm — I have an in-internship with Mr. Stark...."

"Being the Spider-Thing?" Blake said.

Peter froze. His blood ran cold and he couldn't take another step. How did she know? Who is she? Questions raced through his head at supersonic speeds - ones that even with his Spider-sense Peter could never imagine being capable. His thoughts were loud, so loud, and for once Peter Parker felt like he was going crazy.

However, he instead inhaled sharply. Then he exhaled, and began walking again. "Spider-Man," he whispered. Then, "wait, who are you? I mean... you're in a hospital bed only days ago and now you're walking beside me like it's nothing? Are you magic or something?!"

The scary girl paused. She actually stopped walking and for whatever reason it scared Peter even more. Then, with a smirk, she called Peter a snake and sped off, leaving Peter to jog to her side.

"No, no, I-I didn't mean it like that, it was just — "

The scary girl laughed. "Relax, Bambi."

There's that word again... Bambi.

Wait, Bambi?

"Why do you call me Bambi?" Peter finally asked. He turned to look at the scary girl once more, only to find her looking at the ground once more. Still walking, still listening, but not speaking.

So again, Peter spoke. "I mean you call me Bambi, right?" Peter continued. "Is it... like from the movie?"

"Huh?" The scary girl asked, now turned to face Pete. Her dark eyebrows pulled together — almost like a puppy, actually.

A really scary puppy. (Cerberus, maybe, Peter thought.)

"You called me Bambi... why?" Peter repeated.

The scary girl stared. Then:

"'Cause." She deadpanned.

"I'm not a deer."

"Duh," she snorted.

"But the movie...?"

"Movie?" She snapped. Peter flinched accidentally, and cursed himself for it.

He chose his words carefully before speaking again. "Yeah, the movie... it's called Bambi. About a deer. Have you not seen it?" Peter took Blake's silence as a no, so he continued to talk. "There's a little deer named Bambi and his mom dies and — " Peter looked from his hands — which he only now lowered, as he gestured with them wildly before — to the girl. Her eyes were vacant. Far than usual, but he wasn't scared this time. He didn't know why, but he almost felt... comfortable?

"You're serious?" Peter finally asked.

The scary girl shook her head. Her posture sunk and she suddenly looked tiny. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "Am I supposed to have seen it?"

"Well, uh... no... a lot of people have, that's all. But it's okay. We can watch it together some time.

"I-if you want."

"Um... okay. I'll hold you to it, Bambi," she said with a much nicer smile.

"Um... yeah... anyways," Peter smiled at the thought. A movie night! Wait, has she seen Star Wars?!

"What's your deal with Mr. Stark and all, again?" He asked.

"Pardon?" The girl said. She looked at Peter again, this time, in the eyes.

And he saw her eyes were back to vacancy.

"You know..." Peter leaned closer to Blake. He could smell her perfume - vanilla and... was that pomegranate? She was suddenly intoxicating, and Peter felt claustrophobic. He needed space, fresh air, so he whispered to her quickly before retreating back into his own space.

"Why are you in the Avenger's Tower?"

Blake looked at him and blinked. Then, she laughed, "it's a long story."

"We have time."

"It's a sad story."

"For you? I'm sorry."

Blake shrugged, waved her hand in the air as if blowing Peter's concern away. "Nothing I can't handle."

"I'm sorry." Peter said again.


"It sounds... rough," Peter said. Rough, seriously? You went with rough?! "I mean," Peter continued quickly. "Obviously I don't know exactly what you went through... but it doesn't sound like you should have."

"I've had worse," Blake said with another shrug.

"Well, um...." Peter inhaled quickly. Then, he quickly mumbled, "what happened to you?"

Blake chuckled darkly. "I'm was an assassin," she said. "What do you think happened?"

"Um...." Peter knew nothing about assassins. He knew they killed people, but that was it. He knew that some worked for HYDRA, but only because he accidentally overheard Mr. Stark talking about it, and even then, Mr. Stark pretends to not know what Peter is talking about.

"What the fuck is this?"

"Um... a school?"

"No. No way. No — fuck. We're leaving. Come on, Bambi. Show me where you like to hide out or something."

Blake took Peter's hand — well, his wrist actually — and Peter had to pinch himself to not gasp in fright. It was like holding an ice cube, just after you're trying to warm your already frozen hands.

"Wh... what?" He choked. His feet were gone already, though, closely following behind Blake's.

"I said come on," Blake said. She was already walking away, impossibly strong for someone so small, as she dragged Peter behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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