chapter three

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August 29th, 2016
Avengers Tower, Manhattan, NY
United States of America
Planet C53; Earth

August 29th, 201621:58Avengers Tower, Manhattan, NYUnited States of AmericaPlanet C53; Earth

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BY NOW BLAKE was the closest to home she's ever felt. She's never had a home, sure, but still. If anything was home it was this.

Er, him.

Blake didn't know why, but she felt like she could trust Steve. He was American though and through, sure, but he wasn't like most Americans.

Steve was kind. He pulled his hand away when Blake flinched, he spoke softly to the girl, he even showed her what a Chicago style pizza is!

Steve was good, Blake decided, but as they say all good things must come to an end.

But that wouldn't be yet. It couldn't be.

This wasn't the End. The End was when James Rhodes quite literally flew in and stepped towards Steve, Sam, and... an old friend of sorts. It was when Blake sent Steve her location in hopes that he'd visit her and explain what the hell that was because Jesus Christ what is going on.

So even though the End had began, it had yet to finish. Yet to end.

Blake, now, was in the shadows, which she hadn't done in a long time. Steve had assigned her the job of observing, which she obviously intended to do, but no less found ridiculous and unnecessary. She was better, after all. Better than both this job and Steve Rogers.

But still, she was stuck here.

And still, she obliged.

The greasy man, who Blake was assigned to guard, looked around himself. He sat on a stack of bricks for a chair and his torso shifted around with his head, surveying whatever he was trying to survey.

The man had dark hair, maybe brown, from what Blake could see, and he seemed normal - other than the fact that his left arm was encased in metal.

The man must have seen it too, because he tugged at his 'arm' with a groan. It was stuck.

Shit, Blake thought. Is he going to flee? Blake wasn't really assigned to move, but still... letting the man go would be bad, but acting against orders? Well, that's even worse.

"Hey, Cap!" Sam called. He was oblivious as ever, jogging to Steve and paying no attention to his echoing voice. He payed no attention to anything, really. He passed right near Blake, who flinched, and he continued his way.

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