chapter five

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CLINT SNARLED when he visibly entered, and Stark only winced

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CLINT SNARLED when he visibly entered, and Stark only winced. Clint wasn't too threatening - especially not compared to Natasha - but he was still enough to make Stark uncomfortable.

And today Stark was extremely uncomfortable.

Clint brought his hands together. Then again. He began a slow clap, and Tony wanted to die.


It hadn't even been thirty seconds.

"The futurist, gentlemen!" Clint cheered, "The futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not."

Ouch, Tony thought. I guess I deserved that, but still...

No, you know what?

"Give me a break, Barton," Tony snapped. "I had no idea they'll put you in here, come on."

Clint scoffed. He was done, passed done. Whatever the next stage was, Clint was there, tipping over the edge.

"Yeah," He said. "Well... you knew they'll put us somewhere, Tony."

"Yeah," Tony admitted. Obviously, "But... not some super max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for..." Tony paused.

"Criminals?" Clint asked with a raised eyebrow. 


"Criminals, Tony. I think that's the word you're looking for, right? It ain't used to mean me... or Sam or Wanda or Bee... but... here we are-"

"'Cause you broke the law," Tony reminded him.

"Yeah." Clint echoed. He was out of it, in some other realm where he could break out of this prison and beat Tony Stark into an unconscious pulp.

Tony knew this, but he pressured, "I didn't make you."

He did, not me.

"The law, the law," Clint mocked.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

"You read it, you broke it."

"The law, the law, the law..."

Tony rolled his eyes. Was Clint actually five? Stark always wondered this, but... really? He was kinda worried now....

No, he's not. He has a family-


"Alright," Tony said. "You're all grown ups. You got a wife and kids... I don't understand. Why didn't you think about them before you choose the wrong side?"

Clint scoffed, "You better watch your back on this guy," He warned, dodging Stark's remarks. "Chances are he's going to break it."

You're no help, Stark thought. He ignored Clint, finding him more of an annoyance than anything, and proceeded around the room.

"Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark." Another man interviewed.

"Who are you?" Tony asked.

"Come on, man!"


Tony finally was by Sam. Good, he figured. Sam was never one to hold a grudge.

"How's Rhodes?" He asked.

Tony shrugged, "We're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow. So... Fingers crossed. What do you need? They feed you yet?"

"You're the good cop now?" Sam asked.

Always been. "I'm just a guy who needs to know where Steve went."

"Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you would have to go mark 'terminal' on my ass to get information out of me."

"Oh?" Stark queried. "I just knocked the 'A' out of their 'AV'. We got about 30 seconds before they realized it's not their equipment." Tony said as he gestured to the cameras around them. Come on, Sam. Come on!

"Just look," Tony continued. "Because that is the fellow who is suppose to interrogate Barnes... that - the kid? She's fine...

"Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong-"

"That's a first." Sam snorted.

"Cap is definitely off the reservation and he's about to need all the help he can get. We don't know each other very well; you don't have to..."

"Hey. It's alright. Look, I will tell you. But you have to go alone and as a friend."



"And the kid?"

"What do you mean, she's not with you?" Sam gushed.

"No, she's not."


okay, again, this was kind of a filler lol. just like, getting everyone ready for this next part! yay!!!! (it will focus more on blake, too. and like.. her past ig.)

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