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OMG! That y'all for reading my book — you have no clue how much it means to me, wow.

Sorry I've been MIA. I got my first job! (And my second and third, right away, too lol.) So obvi that's not a great excuse, but it's where I've been lol.

Also, basically the point for this A/N is to say I'm going to be redoing some of FINE again. I finally wrote it good, where I'm actually proud. I'm going to make it first person, too, and not change POVs as much (hopefully not change POVs at all, but honestly I can't promise I won't at all, lol).

And on top of that, there is a new face claim for Addison, so check him out!!

But that's all for now. Thanks again for your support! Y'all have no clue how much this means to me. LMK if you need anything or want to talk, or have any ideas!!!! XOXOXO

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