chapter four

54 1 1

September 2nd, 2016
Leipzig/Halle Airport, Schkeuditz
Planet C53; Earth

September 2nd, 201618:03Leipzig/Halle Airport, SchkeuditzGermanyPlanet C53; Earth

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BLAKE COULDN'T BELIEVE it. She really was here, in Germany; supposed to be ending it where it once began.

And don't forget 'hiding under an airplane'.

Why, you may ask?

Blake didn't know the half of it.

Indeed, she'd watched Tony Stark drone and drone, Rhodes following his lead like a puppy of sorts. An abandoned puppy.

It was sad, really. Perhaps even more sad than the fact that Blake was suddenly desperate, bored out of her mind, standing under an airplane for reasons the Gods only care to know.

"Anyway," Stark said. Blake snapped out of her daze, like a hypnotist's patient. She dreaded whatever bullshit he was trying to pull last minute, but she was here for a reason, and part of that reason just seemed to be exactly him.

"Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you two in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Brother?

"You're after the wrong guy," Steve said promisingly. Somehow, Blake hadn't figured it out yet but somehow Steve held his guard. He stood his ground. Tall and firm.

"Your judgement is askew," Stark said. "Your war buddy killed innocent people yesterday. Your kid? She's a machine, a killer. It's only a matter of time before one of them-"

"Tony! She's fine! She's fine and you know it. She's been cleared months ago, a-and Bucky? There are 5 more super soldiers just like him!

"I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"Steve," A woman finally said. Blake flinched, she knew that voice, but no... it couldn't be. Please...


Goddammit! She should have known this!! Why the hell-

"You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Natasha warned.

Blake felt her face become warm. Nat was on the wrong side! She couldn't fight her. No way! Nat was - well... they're a team!! (Steve's words, not hers.)

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