chapter eleven

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WARNING: so, the torture has stopped here, but there are still side effects. there will be descriptions of injury and trauma, so idk if you want that or not. if you don't, skip this chapter but read this next part (and if not, begin reading because spoiler ahead)...

blake is rescued in the end! it's by nat... but she still is in pain. like, a lot.

Days that Blake has been missing:
*roughly* 63

Days that Blake has been missing:*roughly* 63

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NAT LOOKED AT THE VIDEO and sighed. It felt like the thousandth time today that she's seen it, but still.... Well, she should have expected this! Why had she been dumb enough let Blake go so easily? This was her fault!

But still, Nat had a plan.

One that had to be done alone.

And in secret.


After keying in the password, Natasha wasted no time. She entered the rooms, one by one, searching for the young child. (And of course, kicking down the doors to be badass.)

Room 1? Nope.

Room 2? Nope.

Room 3? Shit.

Natasha ducked down, narrowly missing the man's swings. She then swept her feet below his and let gravity do the rest. She turned for more, but found the man was alone. Strange, she thought, as she struck his head for good measures. But not surprising.

Nat walked back into the hallway, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. She passed more doors, finding nothing but dust, until...

Ducking once more Natasha fought the men. One by one they were taken down and one by one they seemed to keep coming. She thought about calling for back up, but then decided against it.

This was her mission.

Her's alone.

Natasha followed the sounds of shouting. She knocked out the men easily, and to her, it was almost fun. Not in a twisted way, but in a takes-me-back-to-the-old-days kind of way.

She stratled the man, and wrapped her legs around his throat. She threw herself backward, still holding onto the man, pushed off her arms, and launched him forward, towards his buddies like a sick game of bowling.

She proceeded to move, knocking out anyone who was in her way.

Until she made it.

There Blake sat, slumped in a old leather chair. She looked like shit.

Natasha searched the room before she ran to the computer. She clicked the keys rapidly and unlocked Blake's prison.

The girl fell forward, onto the ground, and Natasha winced.

"Hey," She the said. "Hey, B. Get up." She grabbed her arm, and the girl winced.

No, it wasn't like Natasha couldn't hold Blake up. She definitely could... but she didn't want to hurt the poor girl, too.

She's already been through more than enough.

"What?" The girl asked. Her voice was hoarse and she squinted up at Natasha. She spoke just above a whisper, struggling to raise her head.

"Get up. We gotta get out of here."


Oh, god, Natasha thought. Oh, how she'd make them pay...

"What do you mean why?" Natasha said.

"Why are you here?"

"For you." Duh.

"No." What?

"I'm sorry?"

"No," Blake said again. "I don't want to leave. I don't deserve it, I..."

"Shut up," Natasha warned.

"No," Blake continued. "You have to go. Leave me-"

"You're delirious."

"No, you," Blake whispered. She swayed, and finally collapsed to the ground.

With a groan, Natasha picked her up. Then, she was off.

ik this was mad short, sorry. the next one should be longer lol.

also, thank you all for the support and comments! this was kind of a filler, and the next one will have blake's pov lol. it gets better lmao.

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