Shifting Story Time: Hogwarts #5

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You guys have been asking more for these so as a late Christmas present, here ya go.

It's actually been a while since I last shifted but I really miss Draco like this boy is the reason I'll never be able to fall in love in this reality.

When I was young, I had a crush on both Harry and Draco so since I already scripted Draco and I dated the first time shifting, the second time I scripted Harry and I were a thing to make my childhood dream come true.

However I scripted that Draco and I only broke up but there was still something between us because I'm very attached to him.

Also moved the year up from 4 to 5 so I got this version of Harry:

I never saw Umbitch once thank god but I still joined Dumbledore's Army because I had nothing better to do and because Draco and I broke up, all I got from him was hateful looks

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I never saw Umbitch once thank god but I still joined Dumbledore's Army because I had nothing better to do and because Draco and I broke up, all I got from him was hateful looks.

There were times where I pretended I didn't understand the spells Harry was trying to teach just so he could come over and show me and let me just say, childhood me was so happy.

There were times where I pretended I didn't understand the spells Harry was trying to teach just so he could come over and show me and let me just say, childhood me was so happy

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Harry and I also hung out outside of Dumbledore's Army and Fred and George kept saying "He fancies you, Wheezy."

Yes, they still call me Wheezy because I always laugh really hard around them.

Draco and I got into in argument later about Harry saying that he needs to keep his distance from me and that I have no right being so close to him.

As much as I love that little ferret, he does not own me and I told him that.

While we were arguing, Blaise was watching us the whole time on the couch muttering things like "Don't go there, man." or "Oop, he/she went there." or "There's no going back from that one."



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