Shifting Story Time: Hogwarts #2

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So here's another story from my first time shifting to Hogwarts. Some of you know it so...sorry if you heard it.

I also forgot to add, since I'm in Slytherin Blaise and Pansy are my good friends.

Pansy isn't actually as much of a bitch as I thought she'd be...when I scripted her as not being into Draco because...I don't like competition. She was a good friend and roommate like my first day there I went to class wearing an untied Slytherin tie. The second day we got ready together and she taught me how to tie my Slytherin tie. Also since she's not into Draco she's LGBT so I think she's pan or bi.

I am too so like...I got options if I can't get with someone.

Blaise is pretty chill for the most part. He's also one of those people who likes to sit on the couch and watch drama play out like it's a TV show. I do too that's why we get along so well.

Blaise and I sit together in the common room and sometimes watch drama between couples unfold or two best friends fighting. And sometimes we'll be like "Oop don't get there, girl." Or "Oh damn, he went there."

At this time, Draco still barely talked to me sadly but he never pushed me down the stairs or threw apples at me so yay.

So the next story, I am actually telling you is about one of the Weasley twins.

So you know how in the Goblet of Fire when Ron tries to ask Hermione to the ball as the last resort in the great hall?

Well, it was like that only it was study hall in the great hall and it wasn't Professor Snape keeping an eye it was Professor Flitwick

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Well, it was like that only it was study hall in the great hall and it wasn't Professor Snape keeping an eye it was Professor Flitwick. I was sitting in between Pansy and Blaise focused on my notes...for the most part.

Like magic at Hogwarts is honestly mind-blowing, it really is. Even if you slightly fangirl a little too much for making a feather levitated but I was there for almost a month and no action at all.

Like no flirting from anyone when I scripted I was basically Megan Fox. Nothing.

I was halfway through my notes and was quietly like, "Fuck, I'm like really horny. I need to get laid."

Don't judge me everyone there is hot.

Pansy laughed while Blaise rolled his eyes at me. I thought they were the only ones that heard me but I guess not because George quickly slides a note to me...he and Fred were sitting across from us.

I opened it and in it was written 'Heard your little problem. Wanna me to help you with it?'

Internally I was...

Internally I was

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