Method #1

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So this is the most popular method and it's the one I used from the start and it helped me shift.

It's called the Raven Method and before you get started, here's some side notes that most don't give other people.

For this method to work you need:

-To be tired or ready to fall asleep

-Have an eye mask (not required but it helps a lot)

-Have a script written out (not required either but it makes a huge difference-I'll post a separate chapter on scripting)

Now to begin:

1. Before I get started, I meditate just because having a clear mind is important.

2. To start off, it's (again not required) helpful to have some ear buds or headphones and go to YouTube and search reality shifting subliminals or 6hz theta waves to listen to while you use shift-it's really relaxing. (If you want me to post a chapter for subliminal videos, I can).

3. Now lay in a starfish position (like in the pictures shown)-make sure no limbs are touching. Yes, it may be uncomfortable but it does make shifting easier if you lie this way.


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4. Next, you count from 1 to 100 (or 100 to 1), think about your Desired Reality (like Hogwarts, the people, the castle itself, the forest) and in between numbers say affirmations. Like "1...I am shifting....2...I am shifting..." And keep going in between each number. Keep in mind, you can think this over silently in your head or out loud. But take your time with counting and if your mind begins to wonder, just stop counting and focus on your breathing and then continue counting.

4. As you do this method, you may feel your arms or legs go numb/tingle/twitch or may get the feeling like you're floating, this is completely normal so stay calm. You may also sometimes hear voices, it just depends. Again stay calm, it's just people from your reality.

5. Once you get to 100, you should keep saying affirmations over and over ("I am shifting"/"I can shift", etc.) but DO NOT move-it's very important you don't. And keep visualizing your DR as you keep saying your affirmations. This is the final step until you fall asleep.

When I fell asleep, I actually woke up in a bed in one of the Slytherin dorms.

Sometimes when you fall asleep, you may not wake up where you want to be right away which is okay because shifting takes time, patience and you have to be a believer.

Hope this was helpful and descriptive. If you have questions, let me know.

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