Shifting Story Time: Queens, New York

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So this story is actually me sharing the first time I actually shifted.

It happened weeks ago but it wasn't my intension to shift because I was drained yesterday but my cousin was watching Spider-Man Homecoming and I kept thinking over before I fell asleep how much I just wanted to hug Peter Parker.

Well I pass out and I wake up asleep in the back of a car...I don't even know how but the car was parked in front of a school. I went inside to see what school and if I shifted. I went to where the school office was. I asked what school this was and the woman looked at me like an idiot and said "This is Midtown High."

I gasped very loudly and she asked if I was okay to which I sort of did a head shake of yes and no. KINDA HOW KEVIN DID HOME ALONE 2-made the exact same face as him.

 She asked if I went to school because I was wearing my Midtown High shirt to bed and I was still wearing it

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She asked if I went to school because I was wearing my Midtown High shirt to bed and I was still wearing it. I did the headshake thing again and she said "Okay, Hayley Garcia. Here's your schedule and would you like someone from student counsel to show you around?" I said no and walked through the hallways....I didn't see Peter or Ned at the time.

But she knew my name omg like wtf is happening-

I made it to my classes where I was sadly taught school all over again like math and English. I kept looking for Peter or Ned or Michelle. I didn't see them but I saw Flash in English who kept answering questions. Also he sat in front of me so I kept staring at him like is this real. He looked back at me once and was like... "Girl, what's your problem?" Like he was fucking rude.

All I said was "I'm sorry." Because I'm a bitch and nervous af to be an asshole back.

Lunch came after 4th period to which I held a tray of lunch that I bought because thankfully I manifested money on the Lifa app on my phone.

I searched tables to sit was like school all over again I got anxiety bad (especially thanks to quarantine). And then I saw Ned and HIM at a table. I only saw the back of Peter's head but I knew it was him. So what did I do? I walked over there and basically squeaked at Ned "May I...table sit?" My mind was basically was bad.

Ned was basically like "Um...sure?" As he said this Peter looked at me, I nearly fainted my hands were shaking and I was breathing very fast. Let me just say, seeing Peter Parker or Tom Holland right before your eyes....

 Let me just say, seeing Peter Parker or Tom Holland right before your eyes

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