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Scripting is when you take time and plan your life in your desired reality but it's not very detailed like "He will kiss me under the mistletoe..." Yeah-No, don't do that. It's very basic like listing off your appearance, personality (you can give yourself traits that you never had-for me, it's confidence), who you are close with....And if you're shifting to Hogwarts (from what I understand most of you are), your Hogwarts house, your wand type, your patronus charm, any magical abilities that make you different from most witches/wizards.

Here's a basic example of what my script looks like. You can use it as a template.

Name: (probably use your first name otherwise it won't feel like the characters are talking to you-can change last name, it's up to you. I used my last name the first time I shifted, then used Stark as my last name the second time-Tony Stark is awesome is why)


Physical Appearance:

Education: (Hogwarts year is important if you're a Harry Potter fan)

House: (HP fans)

Blood status: (HP fans-Are you a Pureblood, muggleborn, halfblood)

Wand Type: (HP fans-not necessary but you can use your wand from Pottermore ex. Larch wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and supple flexibility)

Patronus Charm: (HP fans-important you list it especially if Harry teaches you how to conjure it in year 5)

Relationships: (Who are you close to? Do you have a sibling like bond with someone? Are you a favorite to a teacher? Who's your crush? Who falls for you? You can list these things but DO NOT go into detail. These people are not mindless robots, they are actual people who act as they think. If you completely control them, it is not fun at all.)

Clothes: Optional if you're typing your script. What are your daily clothes? What do you wear if you go to a dance? What's your dress to impress?

Some side notes to add: (i think these are really helpful and some I had to find off of tiktok)

-Can't have period

-Can't feel pain/die/or experience trauma

-Never gets in trouble or expelled (so you can start as much shit as you want)

-Can feel euphoria/pleasure

-Can fight

-Can't get pregnant (have a few scary stories because I didn't script this)

Time: (What time setting do you prefer?) Example: 1 minute in my current reality (CR) is one week in my desired reality (DR). Time will pass to seem like weeks or months no matter how you set your time.

Clone: (so to begin, when you leave to go to your desired reality, you leave behind a clone in your current reality. Before you freak, your clone will do nothing out of the ordinary unless you script you want them to. They are meant to act like and be you. I script for mine to sleep through the night while I'm away but you can actually put yours to pretty good use). You can script for it to do your homework, be better than you at things like exercise or cleaning, listen to your family.

Safe word/action: (This is used to leave and come back to your current reality, a word or action you do to return). Something simple that you can remember. Example: "When I clap 3 times, I will return to my cr." or "When I say the word croatoan, I will return to my cr."

This is separate from scripting but I'll be explaining what the Lifa app is...

The Lifa app that only exists in your desired reality but you can use it in your DR phone

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The Lifa app that only exists in your desired reality but you can use it in your DR phone. It's completely customizable and will aid you through your DR experience. There are no limits (except for cross reality communication though that should sort of be obvious). You can also use it to get back to your current reality (if you don't have a safe word), have a pizza delivered, etc. You can pretty much manifest things from it like picking out your DR outfit, getting foo, a place to live or money. You can even check up on your clone with it. It looks like how you wanted but this is the closest I can think of describing it as for me.

When I shifted to Hogwarts, I didn't use this because it was the 90s, but when I shifted to the Marvel universe, I got myself unlimited amounts of money and a decent place to live.

That's all I can really think of. If you have any questions, reach out.

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