Questions, Comments, etc.

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This chapter is for you all of you guys. I haven't been on Wattpad lately and so many of you have been asking questions and I feel bad not answering because Idk where to find them since they get lost in the many comments or they don't show on my phone.

This chapter is for you to comment and questions you might have. Since this its own chapter, I will answer many if not all questions to the best of my abilities.

Remember I'm not a complete expert on shifting but I will answer based on experience or what I've heard from other shifters.

...And since this is a question chapter, has anyone considered or tried to shift to date or be with their favorite celebrities? I heard someone was trying to shift to date Harry Styles but idk if that's true.

As a side note, I'll have another method, a storytime, and a subliminal chapter published as soon as I can get to it.

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