Method #2

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So this is another method I use after I use the raven method to help me shift.

For this method to work or help it work (none of these are required) here are some tips:

-Meditate (for as long as you want)

-Have an eye mask or something to cover your eyes with.

Now to begin:

1. Go to a room where you won’t be distrubed by anyone. Literally I go outside to my trampoline to shift just so my family will leave me alone. But you guys can do it wherever you can.

2. Get in a comfortable position-you can lay down however you want.

3. Repeat a few affirmations out loud or think them over. Things like “I will shift.” “I shift easily.” “My desired reality is not far.” The more you say it, the more you’ll most likely shift.

4. Take a few deep breaths-maybe just three or however many until you feel your body relax.

5. Now imagine your current self is sitting up against a tree with your back against the oak. And what does it look like there? Is it all fresh green grass underneath you, autumn leaves? You can imagine it anyway you want.

6. Now imagine that when you look over, you see someone from your desired reality. Who is it? *cough cough Draco Malfoy for me cough cough* Are they a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, family member? What do they look like? 

7. They start running to which you get up and follow after them. With every step you take, feel yourself leaving your CR each time. You can follow after them however long you want until you see them fall down a rabbit hole.

8. Once you catch up and reach the hole, follow them. Jump after them into the hole and feel yourself leaving your current reality. As you are falling (again however long you want), visualize the things from your CR  that you’d like to leave behind like school, family, a specific person. Imagine it leaving as you’re falling.

9. When you’re ready, you’ll fall towards the ground. Once you fall, imagine that person from your DR asking, “Are you ready to go home?”

10. Once you say yes, take their hand and let them lead you to a door.

11. That door will lead you to your DR bedroom or wherever you want your DR self to wake up at. See your DR self laying down like the changes about yourself that you scripted, visualize those changed if any. Walk towards your DR self and imagine your soul/energy, leaving your body and slowly pouring into your DR self.

12. When you are done visualizing, slowly fall asleep, imagining you’re in DR. If you did this method correctly, you will wake up in your DR.

If you have any questions, just comment them. I’ll answer when I can. And will probably post another story from my experience if you guys wanna hear it.

A side note, I found out some people are getting knocked up in their DR bodies like...damn. I mean I'd probably do that same thing but CHILL.


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