Method #3

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I’ve heard of this method and did a little research on it. It’s a really cute method and I have yet to actually try it since the Raven /Alice In Wonderland work best for me. It is a sleeping-method, I’ll try to post a non-sleep one next few chapters.

For this method to work you need:

-To be tired or ready to fall asleep

-Have an eye mask (not required but it helps a lot)

-Have a script written out (not required either but it makes a huge difference)

-phone/ipod, whatever you have that you can play music on

-Headphones/earbuds/airpods (don’t think it’s required but is very helpful)

Now to begin:

So I didn’t include this in the prior methods but before you shift, go to the bathroom if you need to, stay hydrated, do what you need to do in order to keep focus.

You can meditate for as long as you want. Not required but it helps to have a clear mind. A few of you asked me what I do to meditate. 

I kind of sit on my bedroom floor in that typical meditating position and play one of two videos on my phone. I listen to Slytherin Common Room Music Ambience or Draco Malfoy Humming To You...both vids are on YouTube if you’re trying to shift to Hogwarts or if you’re trying to go somewhere else like the Marvel Universe or Outer Banks or Stranger Things, etc. you can play other calming music similar to those whatever calms you the most or just gives you your dr vibe. You can meditate for however long you want until you feel calm and ready to try and shift.

Lay in a comfortable position-any way you want works just know that you can’t move in the position you choose. Yes, you do have to be tired since this is a sleeping method. 

Play any song of your choice. It’s good to do a song that may be calming to you and remind you of someone from your DR. It’s also good to use a song that you can imagine yourself dancing with someone to.

Since I’m gonna try this method today to go back to Hogwarts but my example is The Night We Met by Lord Huron because it’s calming to me and also because the lyrics remind me of Draco… “I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you...I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you…” Okay you get it.

Once the song starts, imagine that person from your dr asking you to dance with them. Remember that you and /he/she/they are alone in a room from your dr. 

Once you accept, grab their hand and imagine them dancing with you to the song. Don’t focus on the music, focus on the person you’re dancing with, where you are dancing, do you feel a small breeze of wind, how do you feel when you’re with this person.

Once the song ends, imagine that person saying “It’s time to go home now.” Let them lead you to a door. They will open the door, as they do, imagine a bright light emits from the door. 

Walk through the door, as you do, begin affirming to yourself like “I am in my dr.” or “I have shifted.”

You may begin to feel tingles or feel like you’re falling or other signs that you are shifting. Keep your eyes closed as you keep affirming. 

Once the feelings you were getting stop or you can’t see anything else, go ahead and go to sleep. 


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