Method #4

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So this one isn't really a method with much steps or anything but this is what I used to shift just last week.

For this method to work you need:

-To be tired or ready to fall asleep (I did but I think this can also be a non-sleep method)

-Have an eye mask (not required but it helps a lot)

-Have a script written out (not required either but it makes a huge difference)

Now to begin:

So this isn't required but before you shift, go to the bathroom if you need to, stay hydrated, do what you need to do in order to keep focus.

You can meditate for as long as you want, not required but it helps keep a clear mind.

You can also read your script over to raise your vibrations. Yes, you can write a script online or on paper (I do mine on Google Docs so I can save outfits I find on Pinterest, etc.)

This method is actually simple. You can lay however you want (on your back, stomach, side, etc.) and move around if you need to.

It's also very helpful if you can listen to a subliminal either through headphones or out loud but again not required you do so.

And all you need to do is say things from your script either out loud, mumbling or thinking it. It doesn't have to be very descriptive but small things like "I am shifting to [whatever universe you're going]. I have [this hair color, or eye color, etc.]. My love interest/friends are..."

As you keep repeating these, you should feel some sign of shifting and I believe you can fall asleep and I think there's a variation of this where it's non-sleep but I have to look deeper into that.

This method was created by MsAngeliiWeasley

Also I will try to upload my HP script or any other ones you want me to do but I have a shifting story from last week but it's not HP related or Marvel related.

If you want to hear where I shifted to, let me know because my experience was very dark, kind of terrifying and discusses things like the apocalypse. Let me know you want to hear it because it's a great story to tell but not everyone might not want to hear it.

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