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Run Boy Run


"I'm breaking up with you."

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AFTER THEIR HEATED CONVERSATION in the street outside Vanya's apartment, Halyn and Five had made their way back to the Umbrella Academy after agreeing they did not want to sleep on their ordinary friends couch

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AFTER THEIR HEATED CONVERSATION in the street outside Vanya's apartment, Halyn and Five had made their way back to the Umbrella Academy after agreeing they did not want to sleep on their ordinary friends couch. On their way home—Halyn drove so the two would make it safely—Five had revealed a prosthetic eye he had apparently been carrying around with him for decades. After moving past her initial disgust at the fact he had someone's eye constantly in his pocket, the teleporter had been able to explain his theory about how it was linked to whoever caused the apocalypse, and his only lead thus far.

Halyn had been less than inclined to believe him—how could a prosthetic eye have any connections to the end of the world?—but her doubts were her own, and therefore she kept them to herself, lest she further feel as if she was letting her best friend down.

There was apparently enough stress on his shoulders—and she hated that she had even added a little bit of that stress to them.

With a game plan in mind for the next day—one that was one-hundred percent made up by Five with little input from Halyn—the two had gone their separate ways when they had gotten back to the academy. It felt weird to suddenly be alone, when in the past twenty-four hours she had been nothing but. Regardless, the Sioux teen savored the aloneness, as she felt as had a moment to properly collect herself and reflect on the events that had just transpired over the past few hours.

Her shoulder was a cruel reminder of the shoot-out she been involved in, and Halyn wasn't quite sure how she could explain the injury to her friends and family, so she figured her best bet was to just cover it up at all times until it healed.

The silene of Halyn's bedroom was deafening, and the girl took a chance to glance around it. Though it had only been a mere months since she was last in here, nothing much had changed—and when she had awoken from her statue-esque slumber all those months ago, her room had still been the same, despite her being gone a decade.

Pogo had explained that Grace took care to keep everyone's rooms in order, as if none of them had ever left.

Halyn's fingers dipped into a bowl of pennies that sat on her vanity, and a somber smile quirked at her lips. Her pockets had been constantly jingling—with pennies and other miscellaneous items—when she was younger, and the pennies had been one of her gimmicks.

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