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The Umbrella Academy is not mine.

________ o ☂️ o ________

Run Boy Run


"Delores, it's so nice to meet you."

________ o ☂️ o ________

AS THUNDER RUMBLED IN THE DISTANCE, a light rain bathed the earth below

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AS THUNDER RUMBLED IN THE DISTANCE, a light rain bathed the earth below. Halyn edged closer to Five, a shiver tearing through her body, as the two trekked across a desolate parking lot and towards the teleporter's destination. Since leaving Meritech, the two had spent the day traversing the city, visiting their old haunts and reminiscing about the past until night had fallen, and Five felt it was time to visit one last location.

He had kept Halyn in the dark as to where they were going, but as they closed in on a darkened department store, she faced her friend, "Five, why are we at Gimbel Brothers?"

Five shrugged, the red neon of the store's sign illuminating his face ever so slightly, "You'll see." She had half a mind to question him further, as she wasn't fond of his ever-increasing secrecy, but when they stopped in front of the locked doors, and he held out an expectant hand, her concerns suddenly switched.

"Do we have to?" Halyn's nose crinkled as she stared at his extended hand, stomach already feeling the tinges of nausea as she thought about the path that laid before her.

Instead of directly answering her semi-rhetorical question, Five firmly grabbed onto the Sioux teen's arm. In a flash of blue, the two warped into the deserted building.

"Yes." Came his simple response when they reappeared on the other side of the glass doors.

Five let go of her arm, stepping forward to glance around the department store as Halyn took a moment to collect herself. Though her stomach did feel a bit queasy after their little jump, she didn't feel as nauseous as she had after previous jumps over the past twenty-four hours. This was a good sign, as it meant that her body was slowly building back up the immunity to spatial jumps she once had before their lives overcomplicated themselves.

Still, she was never much a fan of the wibbly-wobbly feeling spatial jumping gave her. It always felt as if her body had liquified itself, thrown itself into a blender, and then resolidified elsewhere, and she hated it.

"You alright?"

Halyn glanced up, only to squint against the sudden brightness that was Five with a flashlight. "Uh, yeah." She nodded her head and her eyes adjusted to the low light.

"Good. Lets go."

Halyn couldn't tell if it was nerves or not, but something about Five suddenly seemed a bit off. His words were a bit stiff, which was a sharp contrast to how he normally talked to her. And where normally Five liked to walk alongside the Sioux teen, this time around, as they maneuvered through various aisles of clothing, he was leading her along as if she were a second thought.

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