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The Umbrella Academy is not mine.

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Extra Ordinary


"She has your voice."

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"I think she's plotting your murder, Klaus

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"I think she's plotting your murder, Klaus."

"Nyeh, she couldn't hurt a fly."

"I definitely see a murderous glint in her eye."

Klaus groaned, the sound over exaggerated and drawn out as he shifted in the dumpster. The sound of stuff clanging and falling as he moved echoed in the small, metallic space, and suddenly the estranged man's head poked over the edge of the bin. Halyn's nose crinkled, her arms set firmly over her chest, and she frowned.

"Who are you talking to, Klaus?"

Klaus's gaze flickered to the fire escape, lingering momentarily before he waved the girl off, "Oh, just my own personal demons." Behind him, and hidden from Halyn's eye, an irritated Ben flipped his brother off. The necromancer snorted before he propped his arms up on the edge of the dumpster, head leaning forward to rest on the crossed appendages, "Say, Halyn," He drawled and the girl instantly felt a feeling of dread fill her stomach, "This would go much faster if you got in here and helped. The garbage water's fine!" For emphasis, he patted the bin, the noise echoing in the enclosed alley.

A rotting stench lingered in Halyn's nose as Klaus's foot slipped on a bag of rubbish, and she grimaced, "I think I'm going to pass, Klaus."

The man pouted, "Your loss." Klaus lingered for a few seconds, and his head cocked slightly to the side, "Say, where'd you get that gnarly bruise from?" Halyn's jaw clenched and his eyes widened, "I didn't do that yesterday, did I?"

"Klaus, you patted my cheek yesterday."

With a wave of his hand, Klaus shrugged, "Still, I sometimes don't know my own strength!" A borderline deranged laugh bubbled past his lips and Halyn pursed her lips.

"Just keep searching." Halyn's eyes rolled for what felt like the fiftieth time that morning as she ended the conversation.

"Just keep searching." Klaus mimicked the Sioux teen's tone, voice pitching upwards and angling towards mocking. Halyn felt her eye twitch, but she maintained silence, gaze steady as she watched her friend dive back into the dumpster, a few choice words accompanying him as he disappeared into the filth once more.

They had been out here just shy of an hour now, Klaus digging aimlessly and Halyn watching from the sidelines. Every now and then he'd pause, making some colored commentary before there'd be a moment of silence, and then he'd reply, though his response didn't always make sense. These one-sided conversations were a bit alarming to Halyn, but whenever she asked him who the fuck he was talking to, she was brushed off, as if Klaus's friend was some big secret.

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