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The Umbrella Academy is not mine.

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Run Boy Run


"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do."

________ o ☂️ o ________

BACK AT THE ACADEMY, Allison exited the surveillance room

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BACK AT THE ACADEMY, Allison exited the surveillance room. Despite the sadness she had been feeling earlier, a warm and fuzzy feeling now sat in the pit of her stomach as she tore through the 'home videos' Pogo had been so kind as to show her. It was weird, granted, to watch their younger selves run around, not knowing they were being filmed, but it also served as a reminder to Allison of the good times she had with her family and friends. 

After watching the footage for about an hour or so, Allison had decided to go grab something to drink and see if Grace had made those cookies she had mentioned earlier.

Allison had just made it to the bottom of the stairs to the main foyer when the front door slowly opened. The woman watched as Halyn slid in quietly, looking like a hot mess, "Halyn?" She gasped at the disheveled appearance of the Sioux teen, "Oh my god, are you alright?"

Halyn startled slightly, almost as if she hadn't been expecting to run into anyone, and she glanced over at Allison. She stared at her, but it was almost as if she was looking right through the woman and not fully registering her presence, "H-have you seen Five?" The Sioux teen ignored her friend's concern.

Allison's brows furrowed, "No, I thought he'd be with you?"

Halyn nodded numbly at this information, though her mind didn't seem to want to fully digest it. Her body began to shake, breath shortening once more as a familiar tightness spread through her chest, "I'm just g-gonna go—" Her voice cracked, and Allison watched as the Sioux teen's hands began to tremble, "—l-look for him."

The dejected expression that flittered across Halyn's face nearly shattered Allison's heart, and she reached out for the teen as she tried to pass her, "Halyn, what's going on?" She tried to keep her voice soft, recognizing the fragile state the Sioux teen appeared to be in, and not wishing to further upset her.

The hand on Halyn's shoulder was meant to be comforting to some degree, but it was anything but for the teen-appearing girl. She jerked herself out of Allison's grasp, shaking slightly, and she stepped away from her friend, "N-nothing." She was barely able to speak as the panicked feeling from earlier slowly consumed her once more. 

Halyn needed to find Five.

Her body felt like it was on pins and needles, and she was slowly disintegrating into a blubbering mess. Halyn felt as though the walls around her were closing in on her, and her lungs screamed for oxygen, despite the Sioux teen taking in as deep of breaths as she possibly could.

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