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Run Boy Run


"Okay, can anybody tell me what the hell is going on?"

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EUDORA PATCH LIKED TO CONSIDER HERSELF A PRACTICAL WOMAN. She had worked hard to get herself to where she was today, and harder still to graduate at the top of her class at the police academy, despite a certain vigilante having been an almost bothersome distraction during her starting years. This job wasn't an easy one, but it was one Eudora thrived in regardless, and the challenge itself was generally welcomed. Yet, every now and again, a particularly challenging case would fall into her lap and question her decision to even become a detective in the first place.

And last night brought her one of those cases.

"Ballistics came back," Her partner, Chuck, strolled over with a blue folder in his hands. He dropped the file onto Eudora's desk, "Bullets from all our shooters match."

Eudora flipped through the file, "Round-robin."

"Yeah, to quote a very smart woman," Chuck wrapped an arm around his chest, holding his other hand outwards, "'These idiots all shot each other.'" The two shared a laugh before he finished his explanation, "Uh, we also got IDs on all the deceased gentlemen. Not so gentle as it turns out."

"Criminal records?"

Chuck nodded, confirming her thoughts, "All of them. Battery, assault, a few dishonorable discharges. They're all hot heads. One and all."

"Well, that settles that." Eudora flipped the file shut and set it to the side. The 'open and close' cases certainly made her life easier, and she wasn't going to complain about that.

"Well..." Chuck continued, and his partner glanced up at him with a quirked brow, "There's just two little things. Remember the victim that got stabbed in the carotid artery?" Eudora nodded and he handed her an evidence bag with the bloody knife in it.

"Yeah," She spoke as she examined the knife, "One of the guys stabbed the other. What's the problem?"

"Fingerprints on the knife don't match our guys." Chuck further explained, and Eudora's brows furrowed as his voice took on a slightly excited tone, "but it gets weirder. It did match an unsolved cold case that came back, circa, get this... nineteen thirty-eight."

The detective didn't look convinced and passed the evidence back to her partner, "Tell them to run it again." There was no way someone over the age of eighty played any part in last night's bloody events. It didn't happen often, but IAFIS had to be wrong on this case, "What about the second thing?"

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