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The Umbrella Academy is not mine.

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Extra Ordinary


"People who kick me out of their van don't get chips!"

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LIKE ALL FAMILY MEETINGS at the Hargreeves, the one currently being conducted was just as convoluted and strange as any other

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LIKE ALL FAMILY MEETINGS at the Hargreeves, the one currently being conducted was just as convoluted and strange as any other. Halyn leaned on a marble pillar beside Allison, the actress nursing a glass of whiskey while the teen had her arms folded over her chest. The whole of the Umbrella Academy—sans Five of course—had been rounded up and forced to watch the footage of the night Sir Hargreeves had ultimately perished.

Luther had moved one of the old televisions into the parlor room, propping it up on the bar where it was currently replaying Sir Hargreeves death on what felt like was a never-ending loop. Halyn had grown numb to the mildly disturbing scene one or two repeats ago, and she had locked her gaze on the floor while the others watched it in shock. She was just glad there was no volume.

Vanya blinked a few times, digesting the footage before glancing at her brother, "I mean, do you really think mom would hurt dad?" There was an air of disbelief to her voice.

"You haven't been home in a long time, Vanya." Luther was quick to dismiss the powerless woman with an eyeroll, "maybe you don't know Grace anymore."

Halyn clicked her tongue, dark eyes flashing with annoyance, "And you do, spaceman?" She felt a warning nudge in her side from Allison, but ignored her as she met Luther's furrowed brows with a harsh glare, "Didn't you just get back from four years in space?"

Though she was still upset with Vanya for her own reasons, Luther's blatant dismissal of Vanya didn't sit well with the teen, and she wasn't really known for holding her tongue. Now that Sir Hargreeves—their once fearless and fearsome leader—was no longer in the picture, Luther clearly felt like he had to step up. Vanya had been written off and ignored by Reginald for her whole life for not having powers, and Halyn would be damned if she'd let the same thing happen to her with Luther.

Number One bristled at her words, curiosity and animosity swimming in his light eyes. This 'hot and cold', 'are we friends, are we not friends' vibe Halyn was giving off towards him was mildly irksome, and the fluctuations almost made his head spin, but that was something he could address at a later date. They had other matters to attend to, "Well, yeah but-"

"If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner's report." Diego interrupted; gaze pointed as he stared at his brother.

With one last irritated glance at Halyn, Luther's gaze flashed back to the TV, "Yeah, well," He huffed out his nose in ire, his 'I'm better than you' demeanor returning full force, and he faced Diego, "I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes."

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