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The Umbrella Academy is not mine. 

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We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals


"Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?"

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THE ENTIRETY OF THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY ALUMNI had fanned out, distancing themselves throughout the over sized building as much as they possibly could

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THE ENTIRETY OF THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY ALUMNI had fanned out, distancing themselves throughout the over sized building as much as they possibly could. Luther's accusation still hung over their heads like a loose threat, and their anger at their leader was still intense. Their spaceboy had a lot of apologizing to do if wanted to get in his family's good graces again.

Halyn had wandered into the courtyard after her talk with Luther, Diego having kicked her out of the living space when he found her in there by herself. She had feigned annoyance when she walked away and he plopped down on the couch, but in actuality, it was probably a good thing he kicked her out.

It was doing her mental state absolutely no good to just sit there and stare at Five's painting.

The past few months she had spent at home on the reservation- back with her true family- had lessened the pain his absence left within Halyn, but now that she was back in their childhood home, the pain was almost excruciating.

Despite the Umbrella Academy being located in the center of the City, the courtyard always smelled nice and fresh. It was like the smog of the city couldn't touch this place, and Halyn inhaled deeply as she strolled through it. There was a gazebo in the center of the courtyard, but the care for it over the past years had been lacking, and it was dilapidated, looking ready to collapse if someone just so looked at it wrong.

A cool breeze blew through the courtyard, a sharp reminder that it was March, and Halyn shivered. She tugged her jacket tighter around her body, feeling as if the cool and gloomy weather was a perfect setting for Sir Hargreeves funeral.

After all, he had been cool and gloomy their whole lives.

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Halyn knew the courtyard like the back of her hand- as it had been one of her favorite places to go as a child- but she didn't get the same feeling of warmth and comfort being out here that she did as a child. The courtyard hadn't changed too much, but one of the biggest differences was the addition of a memorial to Ben- Number Seven.

Ben's death had hit the Umbrella Academy rather hard, Halyn had heard. Hard enough that it was the catalyst to them falling apart. Unlike her entrapment and Five's disappearance, Ben's death was more permanent. There was always hope Halyn and Five would return home one day and whelp, the former was here now.

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