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The Umbrella Academy is not mine.

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Extra Ordinary


"Will you ever tell me who they are?"

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"YES, MAMA, I'M BEING SAFE. I promise."

In a silent act of betrayal, the slowly-healing bruise on Halyn's jaw throbbed, a painful reminder that she was currently lying—and to her own mother nonetheless. Regardless, lies were a normal part of a superhero's life—even a washed up and semi-retired one. What her mother didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Besides, if Halyn was honest and told her mother 'oh, yeah, I've been in two fire fights back-to-back nights in a row!' she would most certainly be guilted into coming home.

Or worse: her mother would drag her home herself.

As much as Halyn missed her mother, with the impending apocalypse rapidly approaching, she couldn't just up and leave. This fight was now hers; even if she didn't want it nor even knew how to help.

Halyn was just holding onto a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, when all this was over, she could go home—and maybe take Five with her so he was away from this hellhole.

'You know I can tell when you're lying, Halyn?'

Internally cursing her mother's, well, motherly instincts, Halyn rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall, "Can't get anything past you, can I?" huffed the brunette, playing with the phone's spiral cord.

On the other end of the line, her mother hummed in affirmation, 'Have you ever been able to?'

Halyn snorted at the comment before sighing heavily, "I can't come home yet, mama."

'Halyn, I—'

"I'm fine, okay? I—" The events of the past few nights played heavily on Halyn's mind, and she drew in a shaky breath as she ran a hand through her disheveled locks, "I need to be here right now."

The brunette heard her mother pull in a deep breath, and Halyn instantly knew she was gearing up for a speech, 'I worry about you in that place, sweetheart. Your father and I made a mistake taking you there all those years ago and we just—'

Footsteps approached Halyn as her mother rambled on in her ear, and the brunette glanced up, "We need to talk." Diego's voice was firm as he made eye contact with the younger-appearing teen.

Annoyed, Halyn quirked a brow before silently pointing to the phone she had pressed to her ear. Diego didn't seem to care, and instead stepped forward before yanking the phone out of the Sioux teen's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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