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The Umbrella Academy is not mine. 

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We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals


"The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it."

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HALYN STOOD ALONGSIDE THE OTHER UMBRELLA ACADEMY MEMBERS, fully decked out in a green tracksuit, the same garb the others were wearing

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HALYN STOOD ALONGSIDE THE OTHER UMBRELLA ACADEMY MEMBERS, fully decked out in a green tracksuit, the same garb the others were wearing. She fidgeted anxiously, Sir Hargreeves standing a few flights above the teens at the top of a staircase. His nose was in his red notebook, the one he was constantly writing in but never letting anyone see what was written.

It was his most coveted possession.

Lowering the notebook to spare a glance at the anxious teens below, Sir Hargreeves then faced Vanya, who was stood beside her father with a clipboard and a whistle. At his command, she blew the whistle, and suddenly the teens had sprung into action.

Luther had easily pushed his way to the front of the pack, having always been the one with the most physical prowess. Diego was close behind his brother but was bound determined to not come in second again.

Halyn had always been rather agile and spry, and she easily maneuvered herself into the third-place spot, mere seconds behind Diego. If she wanted to play dirty, she could easily have grabbed the back of his tracksuit, but she feared he wouldn't hesitate to stab her if she did just that.

Five and Juliet were right behind the three, with Klaus, Ben, and Allison taking up the rear. The latter three weren't the most physically adept, though they tried their best to keep up.

Diego had suddenly overtaken Luther, as Number One chose to use up most of his stamina right off the bat, and even Halyn managed to push past him. Five was suddenly beside Halyn, and when she glanced over at him, she didn't like the coy smirk that danced on his lips.

In a sudden flash of blue light, he was gone, and when he reappeared, he had taken the lead from Diego. This upset Number Two, who then called out, "That's not fair, Five's cheating!"

"He adapted." Sir Hargreeves brushed off Diego's concern. Halyn should've known he wouldn't care if they used their powers. After all, he was always testing them in new ways.

Realizing powers were on the table, Juliet suddenly floated into the air. She pushed off the nearby railing, gravity around her light and flowy, and with a light giggle she floated past all the stairs and up towards Sir Hargreeves. When she passed Diego on her little flight, she tossed him a cheeky wink, and the boy scowled before pushing himself even more.

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