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Run Boy Run


"And you assaulted our son's girlfriend, too?"

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AS AN EXECUTIVE AT A HIGH-LEVEL PROSTHETICS COMPANY, Doctor Lance Biggs had come across his fair share of eccentric personalities

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AS AN EXECUTIVE AT A HIGH-LEVEL PROSTHETICS COMPANY, Doctor Lance Biggs had come across his fair share of eccentric personalities. Normally he could handle them with great care and was often commended for his strong customer service skills, but this time around, he had made a huge mistake. It was taking every fiber of his being to not throw the family before him out on the streets-- and though doing just that may have been incredibly satisfying, it was a surefire way to get him, well, fired.

The teen from earlier-- Lance vaguely remembered his girlfriend calling him Five?-- had come back, girlfriend still in tow, but now he had his parents with him. The doctor had begrudgingly agreed to see them once more, and he was really beginning to question his decision. The conversation was going in circles, with Five demanding the answers he wanted, and Lance refusing to do just that every time he asked.

At this point in time, after half an hour of the conversation going nowhere, Halyn had begun to feel the inklings of a headache toying at the back of her mind. She suddenly wished she had gone with Vanya to wherever Vanya's go on the twenty-fifth of March, but instead she was stuck here-- with Five mere seconds away from having a meltdown while Klaus and Juliet pretended to be his loving parents.

Five sure knew how to take someone's already strange life and make it even stranger.

Pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance, Halyn barely paid the scene before her any mind as Lance folded his arms neatly before him, "As I told your son before," His eyes flickered between Klaus and Juliet, who were apparently the angered teens parents. The doctor wasn't sure he quite believed this, but just voicing his disbelief was grounds for a lawsuit, so he kept his mouth shut, "any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential." His frustration was palpable, but Lance did his best to stay calm, "without the client's consent, I simply can't help you."

Five stopped his pacing, growling lowly, "Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name!" His irritation was obvious, and Halyn couldn't blame him.

Lance simply shrugged, "Well, that's not my problem."

Juliet reached up, placing a hand on Five's sleeve and pushing him gently away from the desk. She shot him a look that said calm down before turning towards the doctor. Batting her eyelashes, "Are you sure there's nothing you can't do to help my son, Doctor Biggs?" Juliet practically purred.

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