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The Umbrella Academy is not mine. 

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"I want to time travel."

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SOFT HEELS CLACKED AGAINST THE WOODEN FLOOR, Grace Hargreeves humming softly under her breath as she lovingly set the table for lunch for the nine children of the Umbrella Academy, and their fearless leader

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SOFT HEELS CLACKED AGAINST THE WOODEN FLOOR, Grace Hargreeves humming softly under her breath as she lovingly set the table for lunch for the nine children of the Umbrella Academy, and their fearless leader. Anisa Lane, Juliet's mother, walked over to a record player in the back of the room as Grace placed ten plates of hot food on a long, mahogany table.

Anisa gently placed a record chosen by Reginald Hargreeves onto the machine, moving the needle into place. "During extreme weather conditions, a climber must possess the wisdom to determine," The record droned on as it began to move. Grace smiled brightly at Anisa, the other woman offering a smaller smile in response, and the android mother picked up a shiny silver bell, "when evacuation is necessary."

Grace raised a delicate hand, Anisa folding her arms before her, and the bell chimed. A sudden flurry of noise sounded from the staircase, a frenzy of footsteps blurring together as nine teenagers bounded down the stairs. They pushed their way through the main foyer, footsteps growing in volume as the unruly teens entered the dining room.

Halyn jokingly pushed herself into Five, knocking shoulders with her friend as they passed through the room's arches. The teleporter turned towards Halyn, a tight-lipped smile on his face, one that didn't reach his eyes, and she frowned at the expression. His eyes were dark, and where normally he'd knock into her in retaliation, or make some snide quip, he snapped his gaze forward and rounded the table without further interaction.

A feeling of unease spread throughout Halyn's body, and she cautiously followed the boy around the table and to their designated spots. She gripped the back of her chair as she stood behind it, eyeing Five beside her out of the corner of her eyes. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, posture tense, and he glared at the hot food on the table.

Juliet gave her mother a quick hug, the older woman pressing a soft kiss to her daughter's temple, before ushering her to her designated spot at the mahogany table. The nine teenagers all stood around the table, waiting patiently for Sir Hargreeves to arrive so they could take their seats.

Vanya stood at one end of the table, directly across from where Sir Hargreeves would be sat, and the rest of the teenagers filled in the rest of the seats. The two chairs immediately besides the Umbrella Academy's founder were empty, with Juliet, Luther, Halyn, and Five all sat on one side of the table. Across from them, respectively, sat Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Ben. How Sir Hargreeves came to this seating arrangement was a bit beyond Halyn, but, seeing as she was seated beside Five, she wasn't going to complain.

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