𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]

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Hey guys! This wasn't requested by anyone, I'm just making it because I want to. ^^ And I chose Raph because I was craving him-- x3 Bayverse Raph is HOT too, so~~ also the gif of Raph--- SKALSKDJAFGH- TAKE ME. O//.//O This chapter is a bit (a lot) longer than my other ones, I'd like to start writing longer imagines but before I do that I'd like your guy's preference- so let me know if you like it better longer or shorter. ^^

Requests are CLOSED! ^o^

WARNING: cussing/mature language, mentions of bullying, get's a little steamy later on- slightly nsfw might not want to read out loud ;),

Word Count: 5243


Having a soulmate was extremely rare. So rare in fact that having a soulmate mark was almost unheard of. The mark itself could be just about anything, and it could be placed anywhere. It looked like a tattoo, except it was clearly different. The mark changed color depending on your soulmates mood. If you had a soulmate, you'd be born with the mark, and your soulmate would wear a mark identical to your own.

When Raphael found out he had a soulmate, he couldn't believe his ears. What kind of joke was this? A giant mutant turtle with a soulmate? His brother's didn't have soulmate marks. He was the only one. Though he didn't feel worthy. He never had, and when he got into a fight with his brother's they'd often bring it up. Of course they never meant anything by it, a fight was just a fight, people said things, accidents happen. But that didn't mean that it didn't bother him. "At least you have a soulmate." Was often rubbed in his face.

They would never understand the pain that came with the mark he wore.

The pain of knowing his soulmate was probably human, and he'd probably never be able to meet her. The pain of knowing that his soulmate was living her life above, while he was forced to sit in the shadows. His life unknown to the world. Knowing that the chance that he'd find her was slim to none.

Raph's soulmate mark was a small turtle, which was as ironic and cliche as it got. The turtle was placed on his right inner wrist, which was normally hidden from view due to the bindings and other things he wore. But occasionally, when he was alone, he'd stare at it. Watching as it flickered between different colors depending on what his soulmates mood was. Sometimes he would trace it, and wonder where in the world was his soulmate.

And sometimes, he'd imagine getting to meet her. What he would say, what he would do. What would happen on the odd chance they started dating. Would she care he was a mutant? He'd think about what she'd say to cool him down when he got angry. How she'd be there for him, through thick and thin..

Then he'd remember that it wasn't real, it was all in his head. And he'd never get to meet the girl he was meant to love for all eternity. He'd never get to be loved by her either...

Even though she couldn't see it, she knew it was there. It was always there. It would never go away. Her soulmate mark had haunted her since birth, and Y/n figured it'd haunt her to her grave. She hated the cute little turtle at the back of her neck. Hated it with every fiber of her entire being.

Having a soulmate was extremely rare, being born with a soulmate mark was normally seen as a blessing. But to Y/n it was a curse. It had been a curse her entire life, and she doubted the misery it caused her would go away any time soon.

Ever since she was a kid, people bullied her for the mark she wore. Her mother told her it was from jealousy, but Y/n never believed it. The world is filled with assholes, Y/n just happened to be unlucky enough to be surrounded by them.

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