𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]

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notes: raph reacting to y/n pulling him in for a kiss by his belt. last one~! asjfdgidhkgbnsalkgnadkbnla'dnvb;oadbnladkbf- that's how i feel. :D 

warnings: mature language, nsfw mentions/sexual themes.


- he would be stunned at first. not expecting the move.

- his hands would immediately grab for your waist, pulling you even closer against him as if it was second nature. which to him, it was.

- you could feel his lips quirk up in a smirk during the kiss.

- his grip would tighten, fingers digging into you a bit.

- when you'd pull away, you would copy his smirk with one of your own. then you'd wink as you slipped from his grasp and moved to walk away.

- he would blink himself out of his trance and grab your waist, growling in your ear.

- "careful there, y/n..." he'd start, lowering himself so his face was inches away from yours. "that's how babies are made." he would finish, nipping at your ear.

- "don't be daft, raphael.." you'd whisper, looking up at him from under your lashes.

- your hands find themselves around his neck and you twist his mask tails between your fingers. "take me to the bedroom and i'll show you how babies are really made."

- you don't have to tell him twice.

- you barely get the chance to finish your sentence before raph throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

- he's just glad his family is out, because after all the pleasurable noises he's able to slip out of you, his family would be scarred for sure.

- then again, you were so loud, calling his name like that, he was sure they'd be able to hear you all the way from april's.

- he wouldn't complain though, not for a damn second. he loved every single moment of it.

- every time you lolled your head back.

- every time you gripped the sheets or clawed at his skin.

- every single fucking sound that escaped your perfect lips.

- the way your back would arch.

- the vulgar cursing that fell out of that pretty mouth of yours.

- the way your legs would squeeze around him.

- he wanted it all.

- and he sure as hell got it.

- not that you would complain either. you loved it just as much.

- sometimes, you loved it even more.

- the two of you would end up showering together, which would result in steamy shower sex.

- by the end of the whole ordeal, you highly doubted you'd be able to walk at all the next day.

- but you weren't worried, cuz raph assured you he'd take good care of you.

- and he always did.

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