𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥

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If there are any grammar or spelling errors, please ignore them as I am far too lazy to edit this, and I really don't care. B) Someone asked for Raph next- you ask you shall receive! And again, not a specific version, just kinda all of them smushed into one. You may visualize this Raphael as any Raphael. Idk why I struggled with writing this one so much, I just did lmao. Raph's usually pretty easy for me to write for too. Mikey is next! (honestly, saved the best for last in my personal opinion, his headcannons are by far my favorite!) May or may not make a Casey one. If someone wants it, I probably will, if not- I still might but idk--- that may be too much work for me lol. LASTLY- Raph's moodboard is my favorite so far- I relate to it so much haha. Thanks for reading! <3

Requests are closed! >.< 

Warnings: mature/sexual themes, nsfw mentions, mature language, 

Word count: 721


- He is a dom, do not test him he will dominate the absolute fuck out of you. If you're really insistent on topping him, or taking control, he will let you do so, but only for a little while before he takes control again. Likes it when you're top but prefers to see you're on bottom. 

- 100% into couple workouts or training. And even if you didn't like working out, he'd still like it if you watched/were in the room with him. 

- A sucker for physical contact. Enjoys PDA, he doesn't care if you kiss/touch in front of his brother's/others. 

- Wants your relationship to be private, he doesn't want to share you with his brothers. He'll get super jealous if you hang out with them too much. Raph's super protective over you, but he wouldn't control you. He respects you, he just has a hard time not being around you. 

- Needs reassuring. He is very insecure of himself and never feels like he's good enough. Especially when it comes to you. 

- Takes his frustration and anger out with sex, even if it doesn't have anything to do with you. This means he can be a little rough and selfish in bed, but he can also be gentle and sweet too. Sex after care would be a lot of cuddles and kisses. He'd treat you like a queen. 

- Secretly enjoys romance movies, though he pretends like he doesn't. Plus he gives the most amusing critiques. 

- Raphael can be a bit of a dick/inconsiderate sometimes. But he will always apologize to you once he realizes he's done something wrong/hurt you. He get's flustered when apologizing, sometimes it's super cute. 

-  He loves to watch you try on clothes/see your outfits. Mini fashion show only for him? Hell yes. 

- He'd probably be into spanking and maybe even a little degrading. Wouldn't mind be called Daddy but he LOVES it when you call him by his name. Especially during the sexy sexy times or accompanied by an I love you. 

- Prefers phone calls and likes to talk mostly as night because he's usually with you during the day when you both have time. 

- More independent, if you're busy than he'll leave you alone. 

- Hates nicknames, but he'd have one for you he'd use in private. He'd call you babe/baby in front of other's but that's about it. 

- Definitely does those push-ups where you're laying underneath him and every time he comes down you reward him with a kiss. ;)

- He'd love for you to sit on top of his shell while he's doing push-ups too. You can read or do your own thing, and this way he gets to spend more time with you. Raph totally plays it off cool by asking you to help him, "i need the challenge" and all that bullshit, but he really just wants to spend time with you. He just doesn't want to see clingy. Plus he's the cool macho brother, he has a reputation to keep up.

- loves your bum. Big, smol, flat, etc. He loves them all. Like I mentioned before, very into spanking but he never would want to hurt you. So I dont think he'd do it too hard, to the point where it HURTS, yknow? Likes to catch you off guard with it too. If you bend over you're practically asking for it.

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