𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐨

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I don't know why it took me so long to post this, but here we are. XD I think I mentioned this in one of the other headcannons, but Mikey's are my favorite. Idk why- they just are. He's just so cute and sweet and he's best boy. :3 He deserves the entire world and more. They all do. Again- not a specific version, I kinda just smushed them altogether. Imagine this as whichever iteration you want. Also- I do not own the photo, just got it off google. And I still may or may not make a Casey one of these. So far I'm leaning towards no just because that's more work and I'm lazy. XP But if anyone wants to see the bonehead's version of this, then I will write one just cuz they asked lol. Most likely. Maybe not. We'll see. Oh and again-- not edited just kinda threw this together. So enjoy my trash thots! <3

Requests are closed!! ^-^ 

Warnings: nsfw mentions, mature language, mature/sexual themes, etc.

Word Count: 1220


- Will find the most random things and give it you as gifts. Random doll head? Buttons of every shape, color, and size? Other weird/cute knickknacks? You bet your bottom fucking dollar. He loves to give you gifts but he's broke as hell, and this is one of the ways he shows his affection. 

-  Showers you with kisses every chance he gets. Also hugs and cuddles, so many fucking cuddles. And he's the best cuddler out there, you can't change my mind. 

- Mikey would love pulling little pranks with/on you. You'd probably have a little prank war with each other. And water gun fights, lots of them. Video game bets/wars as well. 

- Wake up at 3am and have a dance party type of guy. 

- Video call sleep overs!!! 

- Loves your tummy. Big, smol, flat, large, doesn't matter. He loves them all. He loves to nuzzle his face into it and just lay there with you. Would also love to shove his face between your thighs and bewbies. ^^

- Slightly obsessed with the way you smell. He'd just sniff you all the time, and depending on how long you've been dating wouldn't even bother hiding it. Would have a bottle of your perfume/body spray so he could spray it on his pillow/in his room. Also the soaps you use would be in his shower and he'd use them sometimes, especially when he's missing you. Because you smell nice he'd make sure to smell good for you too and he'd get either you or April to help him buy cologne and stuff for him. 

- Loves to wear your scrunchies/hair ties on his wrists. 

- LOVES to take baths/showers with you. Also adores using bath bombs and other things to make it better. Would 100% brings toys in the bath if you let him. Both sexual and non-sexual. 

- He'd be into food play, and he'd definitely have a praise kink. He'd be a switch with a preference for bottom because he'd love it when you dominated him. Also he's a definite BRAT, especially in bed. 

- He wouldn't do anything degrading or violent (like whipping or choking), because he's not into that and he wouldn't want to hurt you. 

- Prefers (video) calling over texting, and will call at the most random times. Even if he just wants to say hi and hang up, or tell you he loves you, or tell you a quick/random story. 

- Most comforting and open boyfriend ever. Will listen to you for hours and check up on you often. 

- Would love to teach you how to skateboard if you were open to it. And if you knew how to skate already, he'd love to skate with you. You guys would learn new tricks together, go on skating dates, sneak out to find abandoned skateparks, etc. Even if you didn't know how to skateboard but preferred using roller skates/blades, he'd totally be into that as well. He couldn't wear them himself, but he'd still get to skate with you. 

- Cooking for each other, even if it's absolutely horrible.  Probably ends up in a food fight. He'd definitely give you lots of smooches throughout.  x3

- Art dates. He'd love to draw you and he'd also love for you to draw him. Even if you weren't good at it. Nude posing? Hell yes. If you were also artistic (I headcannon that Mikey loves art and is really good at it) you'd have blast learning different mediums with each other. Painting, digital, traditional, you name it. You'd also learn new/weird hacks and try them out together. Probably go travelling around the city just to paint/sketch stuff. Paint fight is a big possibility. Having sex covered in paint on a blank canvas? Another large possibility. 

- Mikey finds random stray animals and tries to keep them. His family would probably say no most of the time, so he'd try to convince you to take it in. He'd even offer to help you with the research so you'd know how to properly take care of it. He'd love for you to take it in, but if you couldn't he'd completely understand. You'd probably make posts about the animal online to try and find it a good home. Either that or give it to a humane society. If you chose to keep the pet, it would be like you and Mikey's child. He'd definitely call himself the daddy and you mommy, and insist that you do the same. 

- Big baby with horror movies. Would love it if you slept over afterwards so he has someone to cuddle and console him. XD 

- Mikey would totally be into building pillow forts and sleeping with you in the living room or even if it was in his room. Sometimes he's a bit too big for it and his legs might stick out, but it'd still be super cute and fun. He wouldn't mind. 

- Lots of pillow fights. :3 He'd probably accidentally hit you too hard and then get super guilty afterwards. Even if you told him it was okay, he'd feel really bad. He could have hurt you, you're his precious turtle-duck. <3 (He'd probably accidentally hurt you lol- I can totally see him going to hit one of his brother's, and they dodge and he ends up whacking you so hard you're launched onto your ass-) 

- Bit clingy but you love it. Mikey loves to be near you, especially if he gets the chance to cuddle. Doesn't matter what you're doing- that includes studying. He'll lay in your lap and let you do your thing. He'll just listen to music or take a nap, as long as he's with you, he's content. 

- Would probably sneak you on patrol sometimes. Leo would get very pissy- but you both kinda find it amusing. Especially if you like to risk your life and all that jazz. I think the idea of Mikey sneaking his s/o on patrol/missions to be extremely hilarious. He just doesn't want to be without her. They're in the middle of an important mission and all of a sudden she just kinda pops up out of nowhere and they're all like "wtf". XDD They're fighting some asshats and she comes up behinds one of em and whacks them over the head with a bat or some shit- 

- "Thanks babe!" 

- "You're welcome, love!" 

- "When the fuck did you get here?" (One of the brother's, probs Raphie-) 


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